CLASS net/minecraft/class_2499 net/minecraft/nbt/NbtList COMMENT Represents a mutable NBT list. Its type is {@value NbtElement#LIST_TYPE}. COMMENT

COMMENT An NBT list holds values of the same {@linkplain NbtElement#getType NBT type}. COMMENT The {@linkplain AbstractNbtList#getHeldType NBT type} of an NBT list is determined COMMENT once its first element is inserted; empty NBT lists return {@link NbtElement#END_TYPE} COMMENT as their held {@linkplain AbstractNbtList#getHeldType NBT type}. COMMENT COMMENT

To get values from this list, use methods with type names, such as COMMENT {@link #getInt(int)}. Where applicable, these methods return Java types (e.g. {@code int}, COMMENT {@code long[]}) instead of {@link NbtElement} subclasses. If type mismatch occurs or COMMENT the index is out of bounds, it returns the default value for that type instead of COMMENT throwing or returning {@code null}. COMMENT COMMENT

Unlike {@link NbtCompound}, there is no Java type-based adder, and numeric value COMMENT getters will not try to cast the values. FIELD field_11550 value Ljava/util/List; FIELD field_11551 type B FIELD field_21039 TYPE Lnet/minecraft/class_4614; FIELD field_41725 SIZE I METHOD (Ljava/util/List;B)V ARG 1 list ARG 2 type METHOD equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z ARG 1 o METHOD get (I)Ljava/lang/Object; ARG 1 index METHOD method_10600 getInt (I)I COMMENT {@return the integer at {@code index}, or {@code 0} if the index is out of bounds COMMENT or if this is not a list of integers} ARG 1 index METHOD method_10602 getCompound (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_2487; COMMENT {@return the compound at {@code index}, or an empty compound if the index is out COMMENT of bounds or if this is not a list of compounds} ARG 1 index METHOD method_10603 getList (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_2499; COMMENT {@return the list at {@code index}, or an empty list if the index is out COMMENT of bounds or if this is not a list of lists} ARG 1 index METHOD method_10604 getFloat (I)F COMMENT {@return the float at {@code index}, or {@code 0.0f} if the index is out of bounds COMMENT or if this is not a list of floats} ARG 1 index METHOD method_10605 canAdd (Lnet/minecraft/class_2520;)Z ARG 1 element METHOD method_10608 getString (I)Ljava/lang/String; COMMENT {@return the stringified value at {@code index}, or an empty string if the index COMMENT is out of bounds} COMMENT COMMENT

Unlike other getters, this works with any type, not just {@link NbtString}. ARG 1 index METHOD method_10609 getShort (I)S COMMENT {@return the short at {@code index}, or {@code 0} if the index is out of bounds COMMENT or if this is not a list of shorts} ARG 1 index METHOD method_10611 getDouble (I)D COMMENT {@return the double at {@code index}, or {@code 0.0} if the index is out of bounds COMMENT or if this is not a list of doubles} ARG 1 index METHOD method_17809 forgetTypeIfEmpty ()V METHOD method_36111 getIntArray (I)[I COMMENT {@return the int array at {@code index}, or an empty int array if the index is COMMENT out of bounds or if this is not a list of int arrays} COMMENT COMMENT @apiNote Modifying the returned array also modifies the NBT int array. ARG 1 index METHOD method_36112 getLongArray (I)[J COMMENT {@return the long array at {@code index}, or an empty int array if the index is COMMENT out of bounds or if this is not a list of long arrays} COMMENT COMMENT @apiNote Modifying the returned array also modifies the NBT long array. ARG 1 index