CLASS net/minecraft/class_624 net/minecraft/client/render/entity/model/WolfEntityModel FIELD field_20788 realHead Lnet/minecraft/class_630; FIELD field_20789 realTail Lnet/minecraft/class_630; FIELD field_27538 rightHindLeg Lnet/minecraft/class_630; FIELD field_27539 leftHindLeg Lnet/minecraft/class_630; FIELD field_27540 rightFrontLeg Lnet/minecraft/class_630; FIELD field_27541 leftFrontLeg Lnet/minecraft/class_630; FIELD field_32577 REAL_HEAD Ljava/lang/String; COMMENT The key of the real head model part, whose value is {@value}. FIELD field_32578 UPPER_BODY Ljava/lang/String; COMMENT The key of the upper body model part, whose value is {@value}. FIELD field_32579 REAL_TAIL Ljava/lang/String; COMMENT The key of the real tail model part, whose value is {@value}. FIELD field_3617 tail Lnet/minecraft/class_630; COMMENT The main bone used to animate the tail. Contains {@link #realTail} as one of its children. FIELD field_3619 neck Lnet/minecraft/class_630; FIELD field_3621 head Lnet/minecraft/class_630; COMMENT The main bone used to animate the head. Contains {@link #realHead} as one of its children. FIELD field_3623 torso Lnet/minecraft/class_630; METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_630;)V ARG 1 root METHOD method_32068 getTexturedModelData (Lnet/minecraft/class_5605;)Lnet/minecraft/class_5609; ARG 0 dilation