CLASS net/minecraft/class_7561 net/minecraft/client/report/ChatLogImpl COMMENT An implementation of {@link ChatLog} using a fixed-size array and {@code 0} as the COMMENT starting index. When adding a log, the index is incremented, and the message at the COMMENT index is overwritten. If the index goes above the array size, the array index wraps COMMENT around but the message index is still incremented. COMMENT COMMENT

For example, if the size is {@code 10}, after adding the 10th item, the next index is COMMENT {@code 10} because the log is 0-indexed. However, the next message will be stored at COMMENT {@code messages[0]}. Use {@link #wrapIndex} to calculate the wrapped index. FIELD field_39638 messages [Lnet/minecraft/class_7557; FIELD field_39639 maxIndex I FIELD field_39640 minIndex I METHOD (I)V ARG 1 maxMessages METHOD method_44559 incrementIndex ()I COMMENT {@return the incremented index} COMMENT COMMENT @implNote This always increments {@link #maxIndex}, and increments {@link #minIndex} COMMENT only if the array is already full. METHOD method_44560 wrapIndex (I)I COMMENT {@return the message {@code index} wrapped for accessing the backing array} ARG 1 index