CLASS net/minecraft/class_1741 net/minecraft/item/ArmorMaterial COMMENT Defines the material stats of an {@link ArmorItem} item. COMMENT COMMENT

COMMENT To view available vanilla armor materials, visit {@link ArmorMaterials}. METHOD method_24355 getKnockbackResistance ()F COMMENT {@return the knockback resistance value of an {@link ArmorItem} piece using this {@link ArmorMaterial}} COMMENT COMMENT

COMMENT {@link ArmorItem} will cover the value returned here into the {@link net.minecraft.entity.attribute.EntityAttributes#GENERIC_KNOCKBACK_RESISTANCE} COMMENT statistic with the {@link net.minecraft.entity.attribute.EntityAttributeModifier.Operation#ADDITION} modifier type. METHOD method_48402 getDurability (Lnet/minecraft/class_1738$class_8051;)I COMMENT Returns the total amount of durability points an {@link ArmorItem} using this {@link ArmorMaterial} has. COMMENT COMMENT

COMMENT The value returned here will set the {@link Item.Settings} max durability option when passed COMMENT into {@link ArmorItem#ArmorItem(net.minecraft.item.ArmorMaterial, ArmorItem.Type, Item.Settings)} COMMENT if the value was not already specified. COMMENT COMMENT @return the total durability an {@link ArmorItem} with this {@link ArmorMaterial} has ARG 1 type COMMENT the {@link ArmorItem.Type} of the {@link Item} with this {@link ArmorMaterial} METHOD method_48403 getProtection (Lnet/minecraft/class_1738$class_8051;)I COMMENT Returns the amount of armor protection points offered by an {@link ArmorItem} COMMENT using this {@link ArmorMaterial} while it is worn by a player. COMMENT COMMENT

COMMENT The protection value returned here is applied as an {@link net.minecraft.entity.attribute.EntityAttributeModifier} COMMENT to a player wearing the {@link ArmorItem} piece via the {@link net.minecraft.entity.attribute.EntityAttributeModifier.Operation#ADDITION} modifier. COMMENT COMMENT @return the amount of armor protection points offered by an {@link ArmorItem} with this {@link ArmorMaterial} ARG 1 type COMMENT the {@link ArmorItem.Type} of the {@link Item} with this {@link ArmorMaterial} METHOD method_7694 getName ()Ljava/lang/String; COMMENT Returns the {@code name} of this {@link ArmorMaterial}, which is used for locating armor texture files. COMMENT COMMENT

COMMENT The return value of this method should be in {@code snake_case}. COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.client.render.entity.feature.ArmorFeatureRenderer} will expect to find an armor COMMENT texture file matching {@code minecraft:textures/models/armor/{material_name}_layer_[1/2].png} COMMENT based off the return result of this method. COMMENT COMMENT

COMMENT Example: given a return value of {@code cool_material}, {@code ArmorFeatureRenderer} will require a file COMMENT at {@code minecraft:textures/models/armor/cool_material_layer_1.png} and {@code minecraft:textures/models/armor/cool_material_layer_2.png}. COMMENT COMMENT @return the {@code name} of this armor material in snake_case, used for finding armor textures METHOD method_7695 getRepairIngredient ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1856; COMMENT Returns the {@link Ingredient} used to repair items using this {@link ArmorMaterial}. COMMENT COMMENT

COMMENT By default, {@link ArmorItem} will delegate {@link Item#canRepair(ItemStack, ItemStack)} COMMENT back to this method. COMMENT COMMENT @return the {@link Ingredient} required to repair items with this {@link ArmorMaterial} METHOD method_7698 getEquipSound ()Lnet/minecraft/class_3414; COMMENT @return the {@link SoundEvent} played when a {@link net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity} equips an {@link ArmorItem} using this {@link ArmorMaterial} METHOD method_7699 getEnchantability ()I COMMENT Returns the base enchantment value used by {@link ArmorItem} with this material. COMMENT COMMENT

COMMENT By default, {@link ArmorItem} will override {@link Item#getEnchantability()} COMMENT and delegate the call back to this method. COMMENT COMMENT

COMMENT A higher return value will result in better enchantment results when using an {@code Enchanting Table}. COMMENT The highest enchantability value in vanilla is Netherite, at {@code 37}. COMMENT COMMENT @return the enchantment value sent back to {@link Item#getEnchantability()} for armor using this material METHOD method_7700 getToughness ()F COMMENT Returns the toughness value of an {@link ArmorItem} piece using this {@link ArmorMaterial}. COMMENT COMMENT

COMMENT {@link ArmorItem} will cover the value returned here into the {@link net.minecraft.entity.attribute.EntityAttributes#GENERIC_ARMOR_TOUGHNESS} COMMENT statistic with the {@link net.minecraft.entity.attribute.EntityAttributeModifier.Operation#ADDITION} modifier type. COMMENT COMMENT @return the toughness value of any {@link ArmorItem} using this {@link ArmorMaterial}