CLASS net/minecraft/class_5819 net/minecraft/util/math/random/Random COMMENT A reimplementation of {@link java.util.Random}. COMMENT COMMENT

There are four built-in implementations, three based on the classic Java algorithm COMMENT and one using Xoroshiro128++ algorithm. COMMENT COMMENT

COMMENT COMMENT @implNote Note that due to MC-239059, this is not an exact reimplementation of COMMENT the Java random number generator algorithm. COMMENT COMMENT @see java.util.random METHOD method_33650 skip (I)V ARG 1 count METHOD method_38420 split ()Lnet/minecraft/class_5819; METHOD method_38421 nextSplitter ()Lnet/minecraft/class_6574; METHOD method_39332 nextBetween (II)I ARG 1 min ARG 2 max METHOD method_43047 create ()Lnet/minecraft/class_5819; COMMENT {@return a random} The returned random actively detects concurrent usage COMMENT and fails on detection. METHOD method_43048 nextInt (I)I ARG 1 bound METHOD method_43049 create (J)Lnet/minecraft/class_5819; COMMENT {@return a random with the given {@code seed}} The returned random COMMENT actively detects concurrent usage and fails on detection. ARG 0 seed METHOD method_43050 createThreadSafe ()Lnet/minecraft/class_5819; COMMENT {@return a random, suitable for multithreaded scenarios} COMMENT COMMENT @deprecated This one is hard to ensure deterministic behavior compared COMMENT to the non-thread-safe one. METHOD method_43051 nextBetweenExclusive (II)I ARG 1 min ARG 2 max METHOD method_43052 setSeed (J)V ARG 1 seed METHOD method_43053 createLocal ()Lnet/minecraft/class_5819; COMMENT {@return a random split from the thread local random} Users must ensure COMMENT this random is not used concurrently. METHOD method_43054 nextInt ()I METHOD method_43055 nextLong ()J METHOD method_43056 nextBoolean ()Z METHOD method_43057 nextFloat ()F METHOD method_43058 nextDouble ()D METHOD method_43059 nextGaussian ()D METHOD method_43385 nextTriangular (DD)D COMMENT {@return a random {@code double} between {@code mode - deviation} and COMMENT {@code mode + deviation} (both inclusive) with mode {@code mode}} COMMENT COMMENT

Because the return value follows a symmetric triangular distribution, COMMENT the distribution's mean and median are equal to {@code mode}. ARG 1 mode ARG 3 deviation