CLASS net/minecraft/class_251 net/minecraft/util/shape/VoxelSet FIELD field_1372 sizeZ I FIELD field_1373 sizeY I FIELD field_1374 sizeX I FIELD field_1375 AXES [Lnet/minecraft/class_2350$class_2351; METHOD (III)V ARG 1 sizeX ARG 2 sizeY ARG 3 sizeZ METHOD method_1044 inBoundsAndContains (III)Z ARG 1 x ARG 2 y ARG 3 z METHOD method_1045 getMax (Lnet/minecraft/class_2350$class_2351;)I ARG 1 axis METHOD method_1046 forEachDirection (Lnet/minecraft/class_251$class_252;)V METHOD method_1047 getYSize ()I METHOD method_1048 getZSize ()I METHOD method_1049 set (III)V ARG 1 x ARG 2 y ARG 3 z METHOD method_1050 getXSize ()I METHOD method_1051 getSize (Lnet/minecraft/class_2350$class_2351;)I ARG 1 axis METHOD method_1052 forEachEdge (Lnet/minecraft/class_251$class_253;Lnet/minecraft/class_2335;Z)V ARG 1 callback ARG 2 direction ARG 3 coalesce METHOD method_1053 forEachBox (Lnet/minecraft/class_251$class_253;Z)V ARG 1 consumer ARG 2 coalesce METHOD method_1055 getMin (Lnet/minecraft/class_2350$class_2351;)I ARG 1 axis METHOD method_1056 isEmpty ()Z METHOD method_1057 contains (Lnet/minecraft/class_2335;III)Z ARG 1 cycle ARG 2 x ARG 3 y ARG 4 z METHOD method_1058 getEndingAxisCoord (Lnet/minecraft/class_2350$class_2351;II)I ARG 1 axis ARG 2 from ARG 3 to METHOD method_1061 forEachDirection (Lnet/minecraft/class_251$class_252;Lnet/minecraft/class_2335;)V ARG 2 direction METHOD method_1062 inBoundsAndContains (Lnet/minecraft/class_2335;III)Z ARG 1 cycle ARG 2 x ARG 3 y ARG 4 z METHOD method_1063 contains (III)Z ARG 1 x ARG 2 y ARG 3 z METHOD method_1064 forEachEdge (Lnet/minecraft/class_251$class_253;Z)V ARG 1 callback ARG 2 coalesce METHOD method_35592 getStartingAxisCoord (Lnet/minecraft/class_2350$class_2351;II)I ARG 1 axis ARG 2 from ARG 3 to CLASS class_252 PositionConsumer METHOD consume (Lnet/minecraft/class_2350;III)V ARG 1 direction ARG 2 x ARG 3 y ARG 4 z CLASS class_253 PositionBiConsumer METHOD consume (IIIIII)V ARG 1 x1 ARG 2 y1 ARG 3 z1 ARG 4 x2 ARG 5 y2 ARG 6 z2