CLASS net/minecraft/class_1409 net/minecraft/entity/ai/pathing/MobNavigation FIELD field_6686 avoidSunlight Z METHOD method_6361 setAvoidSunlight (Z)V ARG 1 avoidSunlight METHOD method_6362 getPathfindingY ()I COMMENT The y-position to act as if the entity is at for pathfinding purposes METHOD method_6363 setCanPathThroughDoors (Z)V ARG 1 canPathThroughDoors METHOD method_6364 allVisibleAreSafe (IIIIIILnet/minecraft/class_243;DD)Z ARG 1 centerX ARG 2 centerY ARG 3 centerZ ARG 4 xSize ARG 5 ySize ARG 6 zSize ARG 7 entityPos ARG 8 lookVecX ARG 10 lookVecZ METHOD method_6366 canEnterOpenDoors ()Z METHOD method_6367 allVisibleArePassable (IIIIIILnet/minecraft/class_243;DD)Z COMMENT Checks whether all blocks in the box which are visible (in front of) the mob can be pathed through ARG 1 x ARG 2 y ARG 3 z ARG 4 xSize ARG 5 ySize ARG 6 zSize ARG 7 entityPos ARG 8 lookVecX ARG 10 lookVecZ