CLASS ahh net/minecraft/reference/Items FIELD A DIAMOND_AXE Lahd; FIELD B STICK Lahd; FIELD C BOWL Lahd; FIELD D MUSHROOM_STEW Lahd; FIELD E GOLDEN_SWORD Lahd; FIELD F GOLDEN_SHOVEL Lahd; FIELD G GOLDEN_PICKAXE Lahd; FIELD H GOLDEN_AXE Lahd; FIELD I STRING Lahd; FIELD J FEATHER Lahd; FIELD K GUNPOWDER Lahd; FIELD L WOODEN_HOE Lahd; FIELD M STONE_HOE Lahd; FIELD N IRON_HOE Lahd; FIELD O DIAMOND_HOE Lahd; FIELD P GOLDEN_HOE Lahd; FIELD Q WHEAT_SEEDS Lahd; FIELD R WHEAT Lahd; FIELD S BREAD Lahd; FIELD T LEATHER_HELMET Lafl; FIELD U LEATHER_CHESTPLATE Lafl; FIELD V LEATHER_LEGGINGS Lafl; FIELD W LEATHER_BOOTS Lafl; FIELD X CHAINMAIL_HELMET Lafl; FIELD Y CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE Lafl; FIELD Z CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS Lafl; FIELD aA WATER_BUCKET Lahd; FIELD aB LAVA_BUCKET Lahd; FIELD aC MINECART Lahd; FIELD aD SADDLE Lahd; FIELD aE IRON_DOOR Lahd; FIELD aF REDSTONE Lahd; FIELD aG SNOWBALL Lahd; FIELD aH OAK_BOAT Lahd; FIELD aI SPRUCE_BOAT Lahd; FIELD aJ BIRCH_BOAT Lahd; FIELD aK JUNGLE_BOAT Lahd; FIELD aL ACACIA_BOAT Lahd; FIELD a AIR Lahd; FIELD aM DARK_OAK_BOAT Lahd; FIELD aN LEATHER Lahd; FIELD aO MILK_BUCKET Lahd; FIELD aP BRICK Lahd; FIELD aQ CLAY_BALL Lahd; FIELD aR REEDS Lahd; FIELD aS PAPER Lahd; FIELD aT BOOK Lahd; FIELD aU SLIME_BALL Lahd; FIELD aV CHEST_MINECART Lahd; FIELD aW FURNACE_MINECART Lahd; FIELD aX EGG Lahd; FIELD aY COMPASS Lahd; FIELD aZ FISHING_ROD Lagx; FIELD aa CHAINMAIL_BOOTS Lafl; FIELD ab IRON_HELMET Lafl; FIELD ac IRON_CHESTPLATE Lafl; FIELD ad IRON_LEGGINGS Lafl; FIELD ae IRON_BOOTS Lafl; FIELD af DIAMOND_HELMET Lafl; FIELD ag DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE Lafl; FIELD ah DIAMOND_LEGGINGS Lafl; FIELD ai DIAMOND_BOOTS Lafl; FIELD aj GOLDEN_HELMET Lafl; FIELD ak GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE Lafl; FIELD al GOLDEN_LEGGINGS Lafl; FIELD am GOLDEN_BOOTS Lafl; FIELD an FLINT Lahd; FIELD ao PORKCHOP Lahd; FIELD ap COOKED_PORKCHOP Lahd; FIELD aq PAINTING Lahd; FIELD ar GOLDEN_APPLE Lahd; FIELD as SIGN Lahd; FIELD at OAK_DOOR Lahd; FIELD au SPRUCE_DOOR Lahd; FIELD av BIRCH_DOOR Lahd; FIELD aw JUNGLE_DOOR Lahd; FIELD ax ACACIA_DOOR Lahd; FIELD ay DARK_OAK_DOOR Lahd; FIELD az BUCKET Lahd; FIELD bA RABBIT_HIDE Lahd; FIELD bB ROTTEN_FLESH Lahd; FIELD bC ENDER_PEARL Lahd; FIELD bD BLAZE_ROD Lahd; FIELD bE GHAST_TEAR Lahd; FIELD bF GOLD_NUGGET Lahd; FIELD bG NETHER_WART Lahd; FIELD bH POTION Laht; FIELD bI SPLASH_POTION Laht; FIELD bJ LINGERING_POTION Laht; FIELD bK GLASS_BOTTLE Lahd; FIELD bL DRAGON_BREATH Lahd; FIELD b IRON_SHOVEL Lahd; FIELD bM SPIDER_EYE Lahd; FIELD bN FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE Lahd; FIELD bO BLAZE_POWDER Lahd; FIELD bP MAGMA_CREAM Lahd; FIELD bQ BREWING_STAND Lahd; FIELD bR CAULDRON Lahd; FIELD bS ENDER_EYE Lahd; FIELD bT SPECKLED_MELON Lahd; FIELD bU SPAWN_EGG Lahd; FIELD bV EXPERIERNCE_BOTTLE Lahd; FIELD bW FIRE_CHARGE Lahd; FIELD bX WRITABLE_BOOK Lahd; FIELD bY WRITTEN_BOOK Lahd; FIELD bZ EMERALD Lahd; FIELD ba CLOCK Lahd; FIELD bb GLOWSTONE_DUST Lahd; FIELD bc FISH Lahd; FIELD bd COOKED_FISH Lahd; FIELD be DYE Lahd; FIELD bf BONE Lahd; FIELD bg SUGAR Lahd; FIELD bh CAKE Lahd; FIELD bi BED Lahd; FIELD bj REPEATER Lahd; FIELD bk COOKIE Lahd; FIELD bl FILLED_MAP Lahm; FIELD bm SHEARS Laib; FIELD bn MELON Lahd; FIELD bo PUMPKIN_SEEDS Lahd; FIELD bp MELON_SEEDS Lahd; FIELD bq BEEF Lahd; FIELD br COOKED_BEEF Lahd; FIELD bs CHICKEN Lahd; FIELD bt COOKED_CHICKEN Lahd; FIELD bu MUTTON Lahd; FIELD bv COOKED_MUTTON Lahd; FIELD bw RABBIT Lahd; FIELD bx COOKED_RABBIT Lahd; FIELD by RABBIT_STEW Lahd; FIELD bz RABBIT_FOOT Lahd; FIELD cA COMMAND_BLOCK_MINECART Lahd; FIELD cB RECORD_13 Lahd; FIELD cC RECORD_CART Lahd; FIELD cD RECORD_BLOCKS Lahd; FIELD cE RECORD_CHIRP Lahd; FIELD cF RECORD_FAR Lahd; FIELD cG RECORD_MALL Lahd; FIELD cH RECORD_MELLOHI Lahd; FIELD cI RECORD_STAL Lahd; FIELD cJ RECORD_STRAD Lahd; FIELD cK RECORD_WARD Lahd; FIELD cL RECORD_11 Lahd; FIELD c IRON_PICKAXE Lahd; FIELD cM RECORD_WAIT Lahd; FIELD cN PRISMARINE_SHARD Lahd; FIELD cO PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS Lahd; FIELD cP BANNER Lahd; FIELD cQ END_CRYSTAL Lahd; FIELD cR SHIELD Lahd; FIELD cS ELYTRA Lahd; FIELD cT CHORUS_FRUIT Lahd; FIELD cU CHORUS_FRUIT_POPPED Lahd; FIELD cV BEETROOT_SEEDS Lahd; FIELD cW BEETROOT Lahd; FIELD cX BEETROOT_SOUP Lahd; FIELD ca ITEM_FRAME Lahd; FIELD cb FLOWER_POT Lahd; FIELD cc CARROT Lahd; FIELD cd POTATO Lahd; FIELD ce BAKED_POTATO Lahd; FIELD cf POISONOUS_POTATO Lahd; FIELD cg MAP Lagn; FIELD ch GOLDEN_CARROT Lahd; FIELD ci SKULL Lahd; FIELD cj CARROT_ON_A_STICK Lahd; FIELD ck NETHER_STAR Lahd; FIELD cl PUMPKIN_PIE Lahd; FIELD cm FIREWORK Lahd; FIELD cn FIREWORK_CHARGE Lahd; FIELD co ENCHANTED_BOOK Lago; FIELD cp COMPARATOR Lahd; FIELD cq NETHER_BRICK Lahd; FIELD cr QUARTZ Lahd; FIELD cs TNT_MINECART Lahd; FIELD ct HOPPER_MINECART Lahd; FIELD cu ARMOR_STAND Lafm; FIELD cv IRON_HORSE_ARMOR Lahd; FIELD cw GOLDEN_HORSE_ARMOR Lahd; FIELD cx DIAMOND_HORDSE_ARMOR Lahd; FIELD cy LEAD Lahd; FIELD cz NAME_TG Lahd; FIELD d IRON_AXE Lahd; FIELD e FLINT_AND_STEEL Lahd; FIELD f APPLE Lahd; FIELD g BOW Lafw; FIELD h ARROW Lahd; FIELD i SPECTRAL_ARROW Lahd; FIELD j TIPPED_ARROW Lahd; FIELD k COAL Lahd; FIELD l DIAMOND Lahd; FIELD m IRON_INGOT Lahd; FIELD n GOLD_INGOT Lahd; FIELD o IRON_SWORD Lahd; FIELD p WOODEN_SWORD Lahd; FIELD q WOODEN_SHOVEL Lahd; FIELD r WOODEN_PICKAXE Lahd; FIELD s WOODEN_AXE Lahd; FIELD t STONE_SWORD Lahd; FIELD u STONE_SHOVEL Lahd; FIELD v STONE_PICKAXE Lahd; FIELD w STONE_AXE Lahd; FIELD x DIAMOND_SWORD Lahd; FIELD y DIAMOND_SHOVEL Lahd; FIELD z DIAMOND_PICKAXE Lahd; METHOD a getItemFromId (Ljava/lang/String;)Lahd;