CLASS net/minecraft/class_364 net/minecraft/client/gui/Element COMMENT Base GUI interface for handling callbacks related to COMMENT keyboard or mouse actions. COMMENT COMMENT Mouse coordinate is bounded by the size of the window in COMMENT pixels. FIELD field_37268 MAX_DOUBLE_CLICK_INTERVAL J METHOD method_16014 mouseMoved (DD)V COMMENT Callback for when a mouse move event has been captured. COMMENT COMMENT @see net.minecraft.client.Mouse#onCursorPos ARG 1 mouseX COMMENT the X coordinate of the mouse ARG 3 mouseY COMMENT the Y coordinate of the mouse METHOD method_16803 keyReleased (III)Z COMMENT Callback for when a key down event has been captured. COMMENT COMMENT The key code is identified by the constants in COMMENT {@link org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW GLFW} class. COMMENT COMMENT @return {@code true} to indicate that the event handling is successful/valid COMMENT @see net.minecraft.client.Keyboard#onKey(long, int, int, int, int) COMMENT @see org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_Q COMMENT @see org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWKeyCallbackI#invoke(long, int, int, int, int) ARG 1 keyCode COMMENT the named key code of the event as described in the {@link org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW GLFW} class ARG 2 scanCode COMMENT the unique/platform-specific scan code of the keyboard input ARG 3 modifiers COMMENT a GLFW bitfield describing the modifier keys that are held down (see GLFW Modifier key flags) METHOD method_25365 setFocused (Z)V ARG 1 focused METHOD method_25370 isFocused ()Z METHOD method_25400 charTyped (CI)Z COMMENT Callback for when a character input has been captured. COMMENT COMMENT The key code is identified by the constants in COMMENT {@link org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW GLFW} class. COMMENT COMMENT @return {@code true} to indicate that the event handling is successful/valid COMMENT @see net.minecraft.client.Keyboard#onChar(long, int, int) COMMENT @see org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_Q COMMENT @see org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWKeyCallbackI#invoke(long, int, int, int, int) ARG 1 chr COMMENT the captured character ARG 2 modifiers COMMENT a GLFW bitfield describing the modifier keys that are held down (see GLFW Modifier key flags) METHOD method_25401 mouseScrolled (DDDD)Z COMMENT Callback for when a mouse button scroll event COMMENT has been captured. COMMENT COMMENT @return {@code true} to indicate that the event handling is successful/valid COMMENT @see net.minecraft.client.Mouse#onMouseScroll(long, double, double) ARG 1 mouseX COMMENT the X coordinate of the mouse ARG 3 mouseY COMMENT the Y coordinate of the mouse ARG 5 amount COMMENT value is {@code < 0} if scrolled down, {@code > 0} if scrolled up METHOD method_25402 mouseClicked (DDI)Z COMMENT Callback for when a mouse button down event COMMENT has been captured. COMMENT COMMENT The button number is identified by the constants in COMMENT {@link org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW GLFW} class. COMMENT COMMENT @return {@code true} to indicate that the event handling is successful/valid COMMENT @see net.minecraft.client.Mouse#onMouseButton(long, int, int, int) COMMENT @see org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_1 ARG 1 mouseX COMMENT the X coordinate of the mouse ARG 3 mouseY COMMENT the Y coordinate of the mouse ARG 5 button COMMENT the mouse button number METHOD method_25403 mouseDragged (DDIDD)Z COMMENT Callback for when a mouse button drag event COMMENT has been captured. COMMENT COMMENT The button number is identified by the constants in COMMENT {@link org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW GLFW} class. COMMENT COMMENT @return {@code true} to indicate that the event handling is successful/valid COMMENT @see net.minecraft.client.Mouse#onCursorPos(long, double, double) COMMENT @see org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_1 ARG 1 mouseX COMMENT the current X coordinate of the mouse ARG 3 mouseY COMMENT the current Y coordinate of the mouse ARG 5 button COMMENT the mouse button number ARG 6 deltaX COMMENT the difference of the current X with the previous X coordinate ARG 8 deltaY COMMENT the difference of the current Y with the previous Y coordinate METHOD method_25404 keyPressed (III)Z COMMENT Callback for when a key down event has been captured. COMMENT COMMENT The key code is identified by the constants in COMMENT {@link org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW GLFW} class. COMMENT COMMENT @return {@code true} to indicate that the event handling is successful/valid COMMENT @see net.minecraft.client.Keyboard#onKey(long, int, int, int, int) COMMENT @see org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_Q COMMENT @see org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWKeyCallbackI#invoke(long, int, int, int, int) ARG 1 keyCode COMMENT the named key code of the event as described in the {@link org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW GLFW} class ARG 2 scanCode COMMENT the unique/platform-specific scan code of the keyboard input ARG 3 modifiers COMMENT a GLFW bitfield describing the modifier keys that are held down (see GLFW Modifier key flags) METHOD method_25405 isMouseOver (DD)Z COMMENT Checks if the mouse position is within the bound COMMENT of the element. COMMENT COMMENT @return {@code true} if the mouse is within the bound of the element, otherwise {@code false} ARG 1 mouseX COMMENT the X coordinate of the mouse ARG 3 mouseY COMMENT the Y coordinate of the mouse METHOD method_25406 mouseReleased (DDI)Z COMMENT Callback for when a mouse button release event COMMENT has been captured. COMMENT COMMENT The button number is identified by the constants in COMMENT {@link org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW GLFW} class. COMMENT COMMENT @return {@code true} to indicate that the event handling is successful/valid COMMENT @see net.minecraft.client.Mouse#onMouseButton(long, int, int, int) COMMENT @see org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_1 ARG 1 mouseX COMMENT the X coordinate of the mouse ARG 3 mouseY COMMENT the Y coordinate of the mouse ARG 5 button COMMENT the mouse button number METHOD method_48202 getNavigationFocus ()Lnet/minecraft/class_8030; METHOD method_48205 getNavigationPath (Lnet/minecraft/class_8023;)Lnet/minecraft/class_8016; ARG 1 navigation METHOD method_48218 getFocusedPath ()Lnet/minecraft/class_8016;