CLASS net/minecraft/class_1477 net/minecraft/entity/passive/SquidEntity FIELD field_6900 prevTentacleAngle F FIELD field_6901 swimVelocityScale F COMMENT A scale factor for the squid's swimming speed. COMMENT COMMENT Gets reset to 1 at the beginning of each thrust and gradually decreases to make the squid lurch around. FIELD field_6902 prevThrustTimer F COMMENT This serves no real purpose. FIELD field_6903 rollAngle F FIELD field_6904 tentacleAngle F FIELD field_6905 prevTiltAngle F FIELD field_6906 prevRollAngle F FIELD field_6907 tiltAngle F FIELD field_6908 thrustTimer F COMMENT Timer between thrusts as the squid swims. Represented as an angle from 0 to 2PI. FIELD field_6909 swimZ F FIELD field_6910 swimX F FIELD field_6911 swimY F FIELD field_6912 thrustTimerSpeed F FIELD field_6913 turningSpeed F METHOD method_26895 createSquidAttributes ()Lnet/minecraft/class_5132$class_5133; METHOD method_33336 getInkParticle ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2394; METHOD method_33337 getSquirtSound ()Lnet/minecraft/class_3414; METHOD method_6669 squirt ()V METHOD method_6670 setSwimmingVector (FFF)V COMMENT Sets the direction and velocity the squid must go when fleeing an enemy. Only has an effect when in the water. ARG 1 x ARG 2 y ARG 3 z METHOD method_6671 applyBodyRotations (Lnet/minecraft/class_243;)Lnet/minecraft/class_243; ARG 1 shootVector METHOD method_6672 hasSwimmingVector ()Z CLASS class_1478 EscapeAttackerGoal FIELD field_6915 timer I CLASS class_1479 SwimGoal FIELD field_6917 squid Lnet/minecraft/class_1477; METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_1477;Lnet/minecraft/class_1477;)V ARG 2 squid