CLASS net/minecraft/class_2837 net/minecraft/world/chunk/Palette COMMENT A palette maps objects from and to small integer IDs that uses less COMMENT number of bits to make storage smaller. COMMENT COMMENT

While the objects palettes handle are already represented by integer COMMENT IDs, shrinking IDs in cases where only a few appear can further reduce COMMENT storage space and network traffic volume. COMMENT COMMENT @see PalettedContainer METHOD method_12197 getSize ()I COMMENT {@return the size of the palette} METHOD method_12287 writePacket (Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;)V COMMENT Writes this palette to the {@code buf}. ARG 1 buf COMMENT the packet byte buffer METHOD method_12288 get (I)Ljava/lang/Object; COMMENT {@return the object associated with the given {@code id}} COMMENT COMMENT @throws EntryMissingException if this ID does not exist in this palette ARG 1 id COMMENT the ID to look up METHOD method_12289 readPacket (Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;)V COMMENT Initializes this palette from the {@code buf}. Clears the preexisting COMMENT data in this palette. ARG 1 buf COMMENT the packet byte buffer METHOD method_12290 getPacketSize ()I COMMENT {@return the serialized size of this palette in a byte buf, in bytes} METHOD method_12291 index (Ljava/lang/Object;)I COMMENT {@return the ID of an object in this palette} COMMENT COMMENT

If the object does not yet exist in this palette, this palette will COMMENT register the object. If the palette is too small to include this object, COMMENT a {@linkplain PaletteResizeListener resize listener} will be called and COMMENT this palette may be discarded. ARG 1 object COMMENT the object to look up METHOD method_19525 hasAny (Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Z COMMENT {@return {@code true} if any entry in this palette passes the {@code COMMENT predicate}} ARG 1 predicate CLASS class_6559 Factory COMMENT An interface for easy creation of palettes. METHOD create (ILnet/minecraft/class_2359;Lnet/minecraft/class_2835;Ljava/util/List;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2837; COMMENT Creates a palette. COMMENT COMMENT @return the created new palette ARG 1 bits COMMENT the number of bits each entry uses in the storage ARG 2 idList COMMENT the indices of possible palette entries and their full integer IDs; COMMENT useful for palette serialization ARG 3 listener COMMENT the resize listener, called when this palette runs out of capacity when COMMENT assigning index to new entries