CLASS net/minecraft/class_8028 net/minecraft/client/gui/navigation/NavigationDirection FIELD field_41830 comparator Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntComparator; METHOD method_48237 getAxis ()Lnet/minecraft/class_8027; METHOD method_48238 isAfter (II)Z COMMENT {@return whether the coordinate {@code a} comes after {@code b}} COMMENT COMMENT

For example, if navigating downwards, {@code 2} comes after {@code 1}, COMMENT while the opposite is true if navigating upwards. This always returns COMMENT {@code false} if two arguments are equal. COMMENT COMMENT @see #isBefore ARG 1 a ARG 2 b METHOD method_48239 getOpposite ()Lnet/minecraft/class_8028; METHOD method_48240 isBefore (II)Z COMMENT {@return whether the coordinate {@code a} comes before {@code b}} COMMENT COMMENT

For example, if navigating downwards, {@code 1} comes before {@code 2}, COMMENT while the opposite is true if navigating upwards. This always returns COMMENT {@code false} if two arguments are equal. COMMENT COMMENT @see #isAfter ARG 1 a ARG 2 b METHOD method_48241 isPositive ()Z METHOD method_48242 (II)I ARG 1 a ARG 2 b METHOD method_48243 getComparator ()Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntComparator; COMMENT {@return the comparator that sorts the coordinates in ascending order}