CLASS net/minecraft/class_1831 net/minecraft/item/ToolItem COMMENT An {@link Item} used as a tool, typically used for harvesting blocks or killing entities. COMMENT COMMENT

COMMENT Each {@link ToolItem} has a {@link ToolMaterial} which defines base tool statistics for it. COMMENT By default, {@link ToolItem#getEnchantability()} and {@link ToolItem#canRepair(ItemStack, ItemStack)} will COMMENT delegate to this material for values. Behavior for other material properties is implemented in {@link net.minecraft.item.MiningToolItem}. COMMENT COMMENT

COMMENT A list of default vanilla tool classes can be found below: COMMENT

FIELD field_8921 material Lnet/minecraft/class_1832; METHOD method_8022 getMaterial ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1832; COMMENT @return the {@link ToolMaterial} used by this {@link ToolItem}