CLASS net/minecraft/class_1128 net/minecraft/client/search/SuffixArray COMMENT Provides an efficient way to search for a text in multiple texts. FIELD field_5502 maxTextLength I FIELD field_5503 objects Ljava/util/List; FIELD field_5504 suffixIndexToObjectIndex Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList; FIELD field_5505 characters Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList; FIELD field_5506 offsetInText Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList; FIELD field_5507 PRINT_ARRAY Z FIELD field_5508 PRINT_COMPARISONS Z FIELD field_5509 textStarts Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList; FIELD field_5510 LOGGER Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; METHOD method_4803 ([I[I[III)V ARG 3 i ARG 4 j METHOD method_4804 findAll (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/List; COMMENT Retrieves all objects of which corresponding texts contain {@code text}. COMMENT COMMENT

You have to call {@link #build()} method before calling this method. COMMENT COMMENT

Takes O({@code text.length()} * log N) time to find objects where N is the COMMENT sum of all text length added. Takes O(X + Y * log Y) time to collect found COMMENT objects into a list where X is the number of occurrences of {@code text} in all COMMENT texts added, and Y is the number of found objects. ARG 1 text METHOD method_4805 compare (Ljava/lang/String;I)I ARG 1 string ARG 2 suffixIndex METHOD method_4806 add (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V COMMENT Adds a text with the corresponding object. COMMENT COMMENT

You are not allowed to call this method after calling {@link #build()} method. COMMENT COMMENT

Takes O({@code text.length()}) time. ARG 1 object ARG 2 text METHOD method_4807 build ()V COMMENT Builds a suffix array with added texts. COMMENT COMMENT

You are not allowed to call this method multiple times. COMMENT COMMENT

Takes O(N * log N * log M) time on average where N is the sum of all text COMMENT length added, and M is the maximum text length added. METHOD method_4808 getDebugString (I)Ljava/lang/String; ARG 1 suffixIndex METHOD method_4809 printArray ()V