CLASS net/minecraft/class_7427 net/minecraft/network/encryption/PlayerKeyPair COMMENT An RSA key pair for a player. COMMENT COMMENT

Users cannot generate the keys themselves; this must be provided from Mojang's COMMENT authentication server. COMMENT COMMENT @see net.minecraft.client.session.ProfileKeys COMMENT @see PlayerPublicKey FIELD comp_743 Ljava/time/Instant; COMMENT the time when the keys must be refreshed, otherwise known as expiry time FIELD field_39049 CODEC Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec; METHOD method_43546 isExpired ()Z COMMENT {@return whether the keys are expired and can no longer be used} METHOD method_43547 (Lcom/mojang/serialization/codecs/RecordCodecBuilder$Instance;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/kinds/App; ARG 0 instance