CLASS net/minecraft/class_7479 net/minecraft/client/network/ChatPreviewer COMMENT Chat previewer manages the chat preview. Chat previewer is created per COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ChatScreen}, so closing the chat screen and COMMENT reopening it would create a new chat previewer. {@link ChatPreviewRequester} COMMENT handles the actual requesting. COMMENT COMMENT

The response to the query can be "consumed" by calling {@link #tryConsumeResponse}. COMMENT If the response is still valid (i.e. the input has not changed since the query was sent), COMMENT consuming the response will return the response and clear it. Note that to prevent race COMMENT condition between the player sending the chat message and the response's arrival, responses COMMENT can only be consumed after the cooldown (by default, {@value #CONSUME_COOLDOWN} milliseconds) COMMENT has passed. It is also possible to get the response text without consuming by calling COMMENT {@link #getPreviewText}. FIELD field_39328 CONSUME_COOLDOWN J COMMENT How long the previewer should wait before consuming the response since the response COMMENT arrived at the client in milliseconds. Is {@value}. COMMENT COMMENT @see #tryConsumeResponse FIELD field_39334 lastResponse Lnet/minecraft/class_7479$class_7481; FIELD field_39430 lastPreviewedMessage Ljava/lang/String; FIELD field_39431 pendingRequestMessage Ljava/lang/String; COMMENT The message that is waiting for the previewer to request (i.e. the next query to be sent). COMMENT Can be {@code null} if there is no such query. COMMENT COMMENT @implNote If the message is sent instantly, this field is not set. FIELD field_39432 requester Lnet/minecraft/class_7516; METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_310;)V ARG 1 client METHOD method_44031 tryRequestPending ()V COMMENT Sends the message that was waiting for its request delay to pass, if it is able to. METHOD method_44032 onResponse (ILnet/minecraft/class_2561;)V COMMENT Called when the preview response was received. COMMENT COMMENT @implNote This sets the last response if the requester {@linkplain COMMENT ChatPreviewRequester#handleResponse successfully handled} the response. ARG 1 id ARG 2 previewText METHOD method_44036 clear ()V COMMENT Clears the last response and the requester's state. METHOD method_44037 tryConsumeResponse (Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/minecraft/class_7479$class_7481; COMMENT {@return the consumed response text, or {@code null} if the server responded as such, or COMMENT if the response could not be consumed} COMMENT COMMENT

If the response is still valid (i.e. the input has not changed since the query was sent), COMMENT consuming the response will return the response and clear it. Note that to prevent race COMMENT condition between the player sending the chat message and the response's arrival, responses COMMENT can only be consumed after the cooldown (by default, {@value #CONSUME_COOLDOWN} milliseconds) COMMENT has passed. It is also possible to get the response text without consuming by calling COMMENT {@link #getPreviewText}. ARG 1 message METHOD method_44038 getPreviewText ()Lnet/minecraft/class_7479$class_7481; COMMENT {@return the preview text (also known as the last response text), or {@code null} COMMENT if the server responded as such} COMMENT COMMENT

This does not consume the response. METHOD method_44039 normalize (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; COMMENT {@return the {@code message} normalized by trimming it and then normalizing spaces} ARG 0 message METHOD method_44274 tryRequest (Ljava/lang/String;)V COMMENT Tries to send the request to preview {@code message}. If the delay has passed, COMMENT it will send instantly; otherwise, it will set {@link #pendingRequestMessage} which COMMENT can be requested by calling {@link #tryRequestPending()}. ARG 1 message METHOD method_44275 disablePreview ()V COMMENT Clears this previewer. METHOD method_44276 tryRequestInternal (Ljava/lang/String;)V ARG 1 message METHOD method_44927 equalsLastPreviewed (Ljava/lang/String;)Z COMMENT {@return whether normalized {@code text} equals the last previewed text} ARG 1 text METHOD method_44928 cannotConsumePreview ()Z COMMENT {@return whether the previewer cannot consume the preview (because the preview COMMENT response hasn't arrived or because of the cooldown)} CLASS class_7481 Response COMMENT A response to the preview query. FIELD comp_826 receptionTimestamp J FIELD comp_827 Ljava/lang/String; COMMENT the message that was queried to preview FIELD comp_828 previewText Lnet/minecraft/class_2561; METHOD comp_826 receptionTimestamp ()J METHOD comp_828 previewText ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2561; METHOD method_44045 canConsume (Ljava/lang/String;)Z COMMENT {@return whether the response can be consumed for the {@code message}} COMMENT COMMENT

This returns {@code true} if the {@code message} equals the queried message and COMMENT the cooldown has passed. ARG 1 message METHOD method_44929 queryEquals (Ljava/lang/String;)Z COMMENT {@return whether normalized {@code query} equals the response query} ARG 1 query METHOD method_44930 hasCooldownPassed ()Z COMMENT {@return the cooldown for consuming the preview has passed} COMMENT COMMENT @see #canConsume COMMENT @see ChatPreviewer#tryConsumeResponse