CLASS net/minecraft/class_5328 net/minecraft/item/ItemUsage COMMENT Utility methods related to item usage. METHOD method_29282 consumeHeldItem (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;Lnet/minecraft/class_1268;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1271; COMMENT Consumes the item that {@code player} holds. This should be called inside COMMENT {@link Item#use} for consumable items, such as milk bucket. COMMENT COMMENT @return the action result of consuming ARG 0 world ARG 1 player ARG 2 hand METHOD method_30012 exchangeStack (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1799; COMMENT {@return the stack to put in the player's hand after exchanging stacks} COMMENT COMMENT

Exchanging stacks causes the input stack to be decremented and the output stack to COMMENT be inserted to the player's invetory (or dropped if it cannot be inserted.) COMMENT For example, milking a cow exchanges one empty bucket and one milk bucket. COMMENT If the player is in creative mode, the player only receives the new stack when COMMENT they do not have the output stack. COMMENT COMMENT @see #exchangeStack(ItemStack, PlayerEntity, ItemStack, boolean) ARG 0 inputStack ARG 1 player ARG 2 outputStack METHOD method_30270 exchangeStack (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;Z)Lnet/minecraft/class_1799; COMMENT {@return the stack to put in the player's hand after exchanging stacks} COMMENT COMMENT

Exchanging stacks causes the input stack to be decremented and the output stack to COMMENT be inserted to the player's invetory (or dropped if it cannot be inserted.) COMMENT For example, milking a cow exchanges one empty bucket and one milk bucket. COMMENT If {@code creativeOverride} is {@code true} and the player is in creative mode, COMMENT the player only receives the new stack when they do not have the output stack. COMMENT COMMENT @see #exchangeStack(ItemStack, PlayerEntity, ItemStack) ARG 0 inputStack ARG 1 player ARG 2 outputStack ARG 3 creativeOverride METHOD method_33263 spawnItemContents (Lnet/minecraft/class_1542;Ljava/util/stream/Stream;)V COMMENT Spawns item entity's contents at the item entity's position. This should be COMMENT called inside {@link Item#onItemEntityDestroyed} for items that hold other items, COMMENT such as shulker boxes. COMMENT COMMENT @see Item#onItemEntityDestroyed ARG 0 itemEntity ARG 1 contents METHOD method_33265 (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_1542;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)V ARG 2 stack