CLASS net/minecraft/class_2540 net/minecraft/network/PacketByteBuf COMMENT A packet byte buf is a specialized byte buf with utility methods adapted COMMENT to Minecraft's protocol. It has serialization and deserialization of COMMENT custom objects. COMMENT COMMENT
Custom object handling
Object Type read method write method
Codec-based{@link #decode(Codec)}{@link #encode(Codec, Object)}
{@link Collection}{@link #readCollection(IntFunction, Function)}{@link #writeCollection(Collection, BiConsumer)}
{@link IntList}{@link #readIntList()}{@link #writeIntList(IntList)}
{@link Map}{@link #readMap(IntFunction, Function, Function)}{@link #writeMap(Map, BiConsumer, BiConsumer)}
{@code byte[]}{@link #readByteArray()}{@link #writeByteArray(byte[])}
{@code int[]}{@link #readIntArray()}{@link #writeIntArray(int[])}
{@code long[]}{@link #readLongArray()}{@link #writeLongArray(long[])}
{@link BlockPos}{@link #readBlockPos()}{@link #writeBlockPos(BlockPos)}
{@link ChunkSectionPos}{@link #readChunkSectionPos()}(removed by proguard)
{@link Text}{@link #readText()}{@link #writeText(Text)}
{@link Enum}{@link #readEnumConstant(Class)}{@link #writeEnumConstant(Enum)}
{@index VarInt}{@link #readVarInt()}{@link #writeVarInt(int)}
{@index VarLong}{@link #readVarLong()}{@link #writeVarLong(long)}
{@link UUID}{@link #readUuid()}{@link #writeUuid(UUID)}
{@link CompoundTag}{@link #readCompoundTag()}{@link #writeCompoundTag(CompoundTag)}
{@link ItemStack}{@link #readItemStack()}{@link #writeItemStack(ItemStack)}
{@link String}{@link #readString()}{@link #writeString(String)}
{@link Identifier}{@link #readIdentifier()}{@link #writeIdentifier(Identifier)}
{@link Date}{@link #readDate()}{@link #writeDate(Date)}
{@link BlockHitResult}{@link #readBlockHitResult()}{@link #writeBlockHitResult(BlockHitResult)}
{@link BitSet}{@link #readBitSet()}{@link #writeBitSet(BitSet)}

All {@code read} and {@code write} methods throw {@link COMMENT IndexOutOfBoundsException} if there is not enough bytes to be read or COMMENT not enough space to write. FIELD field_11695 parent Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf; METHOD (Lio/netty/buffer/ByteBuf;)V COMMENT Creates a packet byte buf that delegates its operations to the {@code COMMENT parent} buf. ARG 1 parent COMMENT the parent, or delegate, buf METHOD method_10787 readIntArray ()[I COMMENT Reads an array of primitive ints from this buf. The array first has a COMMENT var int indicating its length, followed by the var int entries. The array COMMENT does not have a length limit. COMMENT COMMENT @implNote An int array has the same format as a list of ints. COMMENT COMMENT @see #readIntArray(int) COMMENT @see #writeIntArray(int[]) COMMENT @see #readIntList() COMMENT @return the read byte array METHOD method_10788 writeString (Ljava/lang/String;I)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540; COMMENT Writes a string to this buf. A string is represented by a byte array of COMMENT its UTF-8 data. That byte array can have a maximum length of COMMENT {@code maxLength}. COMMENT COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the byte array of the COMMENT string to write is longer than {@code maxLength} COMMENT @see #readString() COMMENT @see #readString(int) COMMENT @see #writeString(String) ARG 1 string COMMENT the string to write ARG 2 maxLength COMMENT the max length of the byte array METHOD method_10789 writeLongArray ([J)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540; COMMENT Writes an array of primitive longs to this buf. The array first has a COMMENT var int indicating its length, followed by the regular long (not var COMMENT long) values. COMMENT COMMENT @see #readLongArray() COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining ARG 1 array COMMENT the array to write METHOD method_10790 readUuid ()Ljava/util/UUID; COMMENT Reads a UUID (universally unique identifier) from this buf. A UUID is COMMENT represented by two regular longs. COMMENT COMMENT @return the read UUID COMMENT @see #writeUuid(UUID) METHOD method_10791 writeVarLong (J)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540; COMMENT Writes a single var long to this buf. COMMENT COMMENT

Compared to regular longs, var longs may use less bytes when COMMENT representing smaller positive numbers. COMMENT COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining COMMENT @see #readVarLong() ARG 1 value COMMENT the value to write METHOD method_10792 readVarLong ()J COMMENT Reads a single var long from this buf. COMMENT COMMENT @return the value read COMMENT @see #writeVarLong(long) METHOD method_10793 writeItemStack (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540; COMMENT Writes an item stack to this buf. An item stack is represented by a COMMENT boolean indicating whether it exists; if it exists, it is followed by COMMENT a var int for its raw id, a byte for its count, and an NBT compound for COMMENT its tag. COMMENT COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining COMMENT @see #readItemStack() ARG 1 stack COMMENT the stack to write METHOD method_10794 writeCompoundTag (Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540; COMMENT Writes an NBT compound to this buf. The binary representation of NBT is COMMENT handled by {@link net.minecraft.nbt.NbtIo}. If {@code compound} is {@code COMMENT null}, it is treated as an END tag. COMMENT COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the NBT cannot be COMMENT written COMMENT @see #readCompoundTag() COMMENT @see #readUnlimitedCompoundTag() COMMENT @see #readCompoundTag(PositionTracker) ARG 1 compound COMMENT the compound to write METHOD method_10795 readByteArray ()[B COMMENT Reads an array of primitive bytes from this buf. The array first has a COMMENT var int indicating its length, followed by the actual bytes. The array COMMENT does not have a length limit. COMMENT COMMENT @see #readByteArray(int) COMMENT @see #writeByteArray(byte[]) COMMENT @return the read byte array METHOD method_10796 writeDate (Ljava/util/Date;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540; COMMENT Writes a date to this buf. A date is represented by its time, a regular COMMENT long. COMMENT COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining COMMENT @see #readDate() ARG 1 date COMMENT the date to write METHOD method_10797 writeUuid (Ljava/util/UUID;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540; COMMENT Writes a UUID (universally unique identifier) to this buf. A UUID is COMMENT represented by two regular longs. COMMENT COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining COMMENT @see #readUuid() ARG 1 uuid COMMENT the UUID to write METHOD method_10798 readCompoundTag ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2487; COMMENT Reads an NBT compound from this buf. The binary representation of NBT is COMMENT handled by {@link net.minecraft.nbt.NbtIo}. If an END tag is encountered, COMMENT this method returns {@code null}. The compound can have a maximum size of COMMENT {@code 2097152} bytes. COMMENT COMMENT @return the read compound, may be {@code null} COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the NBT cannot be read COMMENT @throws RuntimeException if the compound exceeds the allowed maximum size COMMENT @see #writeCompoundTag(CompoundTag) COMMENT @see #readUnlimitedCompoundTag() COMMENT @see #readCompoundTag(PositionTracker) METHOD method_10799 readIntArray (I)[I COMMENT Reads an array of primitive ints from this buf. The array first has a COMMENT var int indicating its length, followed by the var int entries. The array COMMENT has a length limit given by {@code maxSize}. COMMENT COMMENT @implNote An int array has the same format as a list of ints. COMMENT COMMENT @see #readIntArray() COMMENT @see #writeIntArray(int[]) COMMENT @return the read byte array COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException if the read array has a COMMENT length over {@code maxSize} ARG 1 maxSize COMMENT the max length of the read array METHOD method_10800 readString (I)Ljava/lang/String; COMMENT Reads a string from this buf. A string is represented by a byte array of COMMENT its UTF-8 data. The string can have a maximum length of {@code maxLength}. COMMENT COMMENT @return the string read COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException if the string read COMMENT is longer than {@code maxLength} COMMENT @see #readString() COMMENT @see #writeString(String) COMMENT @see #writeString(String, int) ARG 1 maxLength COMMENT the maximum length of the string read METHOD method_10801 readLongArray ([J)[J COMMENT Reads an array of primitive longs from this buf. The array first has a COMMENT var int indicating its length, followed by the regular long (not var COMMENT long) values. The array does not have a length limit. COMMENT COMMENT

Only when {@code toArray} is not {@code null} and {@code COMMENT toArray.length} equals to the length var int read will the {@code COMMENT toArray} be reused and returned; otherwise, a new array COMMENT of proper size is created. COMMENT COMMENT @see #writeLongArray(long[]) COMMENT @see #readLongArray() COMMENT @see #readLongArray(long[], int) COMMENT @return the read long array ARG 1 toArray COMMENT the array to reuse METHOD method_10802 readDate ()Ljava/util/Date; COMMENT Reads a date from this buf. A date is represented by its time, a regular COMMENT long. COMMENT COMMENT @return the read date COMMENT @see #writeDate(Date) METHOD method_10803 readByteArray (I)[B COMMENT Reads an array of primitive bytes from this buf. The array first has a COMMENT var int indicating its length, followed by the actual bytes. The array COMMENT has a length limit given by {@code maxSize}. COMMENT COMMENT @see #readByteArray() COMMENT @see #writeByteArray(byte[]) COMMENT @return the read byte array COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException if the read array has a COMMENT length over {@code maxSize} ARG 1 maxSize COMMENT the max length of the read array METHOD method_10804 writeVarInt (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540; COMMENT Writes a single var int to this buf. COMMENT COMMENT

Compared to regular ints, var ints may use less bytes (ranging from 1 COMMENT to 5, where regular ints use 4) when representing smaller positive COMMENT numbers. COMMENT COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining COMMENT @see #readVarInt() ARG 1 value COMMENT the value to write METHOD method_10805 writeText (Lnet/minecraft/class_2561;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540; COMMENT Writes a text to this buf. A text is represented by a JSON string with COMMENT max length {@code 262144}. COMMENT COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the JSON string COMMENT written exceeds {@code 262144} in length COMMENT @see #readText() ARG 1 text COMMENT the text to write METHOD method_10806 writeIntArray ([I)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540; COMMENT Writes an array of primitive ints to this buf. The array first has a COMMENT var int indicating its length, followed by the var int entries. COMMENT COMMENT @implNote An int array has the same format as a list of ints. COMMENT COMMENT @see #readIntArray(int) COMMENT @see #writeIntArray(int[]) COMMENT @see #writeIntList(IntList) COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining ARG 1 array COMMENT the array to write METHOD method_10807 writeBlockPos (Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540; COMMENT Writes a block position to this buf. A block position is represented by COMMENT a regular long. COMMENT COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining COMMENT @see #readBlockPos() ARG 1 pos COMMENT the pos to write METHOD method_10808 readText ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2561; COMMENT Reads a text from this buf. A text is represented by a JSON string with COMMENT max length {@code 262144}. COMMENT COMMENT @return the read text COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException if the JSON string read COMMENT exceeds {@code 262144} in length COMMENT @see #writeText(Text) METHOD method_10809 readLongArray ([JI)[J COMMENT Reads an array of primitive longs from this buf. The array first has a COMMENT var int indicating its length, followed by the regular long (not var COMMENT long) values. The array has a length limit of {@code maxSize}. COMMENT COMMENT

Only when {@code toArray} is not {@code null} and {@code COMMENT toArray.length} equals to the length var int read will the {@code COMMENT toArray} be reused and returned; otherwise, a new array COMMENT of proper size is created. COMMENT COMMENT @see #writeLongArray(long[]) COMMENT @see #readLongArray() COMMENT @see #readLongArray(long[]) COMMENT @return the read long array COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException if the read array has a COMMENT length over {@code maxSize} ARG 1 toArray COMMENT the array to reuse ARG 2 maxSize COMMENT the max length of the read array METHOD method_10810 readIdentifier ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2960; COMMENT Reads an identifier from this buf. An identifier is represented by its COMMENT string form. The read identifier's string form can have a max length of COMMENT {@code 32767}. COMMENT COMMENT @return the read identifier COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException if the identifier's COMMENT string form is longer than {@code 32767} COMMENT @see #writeIdentifier(Identifier) METHOD method_10811 readBlockPos ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2338; COMMENT Reads a block position from this buf. A block position is represented by COMMENT a regular long. COMMENT COMMENT @return the read block pos COMMENT @see #writeBlockPos(BlockPos) METHOD method_10812 writeIdentifier (Lnet/minecraft/class_2960;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540; COMMENT Writes an identifier to this buf. An identifier is represented by its COMMENT string form. The written identifier's byte array can have a max length of COMMENT {@code 32767}. COMMENT COMMENT @return the read identifier COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the {@code id}'s COMMENT byte array is longer than {@code 32767} COMMENT @see #readIdentifier() ARG 1 id COMMENT the identifier to write METHOD method_10813 writeByteArray ([B)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540; COMMENT Writes an array of primitive bytes to this buf. The array first has a COMMENT var int indicating its length, followed by the actual bytes. COMMENT COMMENT @see #readByteArray() COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining ARG 1 array COMMENT the array to write METHOD method_10814 writeString (Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540; COMMENT Writes a string to this buf. A string is represented by a byte array of COMMENT its UTF-8 data. That byte array can have a maximum length of COMMENT {@code 32767}. COMMENT COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the byte array of the COMMENT string to write is longer than {@code 32767} COMMENT @see #readString() COMMENT @see #readString(int) COMMENT @see #writeString(String, int) ARG 1 string COMMENT the string to write METHOD method_10815 getVarIntSizeBytes (I)I COMMENT Returns the number of bytes needed to encode {@code value} as a COMMENT {@linkplain #writeVarInt(int) var int}. Guaranteed to be between {@code COMMENT 1} and {@code 5}. COMMENT COMMENT @return the number of bytes a var int {@code value} uses ARG 0 value COMMENT the value to encode METHOD method_10816 readVarInt ()I COMMENT Reads a single var int from this buf. COMMENT COMMENT @return the value read COMMENT @see #writeVarInt(int) METHOD method_10817 writeEnumConstant (Ljava/lang/Enum;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2540; COMMENT Writes an enum constant to this buf. An enum constant is represented COMMENT by a var int indicating its ordinal. COMMENT COMMENT @return this buf, for chaining COMMENT @see #readEnumConstant(Class) ARG 1 instance COMMENT the enum constant to write METHOD method_10818 readEnumConstant (Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Enum; COMMENT Reads an enum constant from this buf. An enum constant is represented COMMENT by a var int indicating its ordinal. COMMENT COMMENT @return the read enum constant COMMENT @see #writeEnumConstant(Enum) ARG 1 enumClass COMMENT the enum class, for constant lookup METHOD method_10819 readItemStack ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1799; COMMENT Reads an item stack from this buf. An item stack is represented by a COMMENT boolean indicating whether it exists; if it exists, it is followed by COMMENT a var int for its raw id, a byte for its count, and an NBT compound for COMMENT its tag. COMMENT COMMENT @return the read item stack COMMENT @see #writeItemStack(ItemStack) METHOD method_17813 writeBlockHitResult (Lnet/minecraft/class_3965;)V COMMENT Writes a block hit result to this buf. A block hit result is represented COMMENT by a block position, a direction enum constant, 3 floats for the hit COMMENT offset position, and a boolean for whether the hit was inside a block. COMMENT COMMENT @see #readBlockHitResult() ARG 1 hitResult COMMENT the block hit result to write METHOD method_17814 readBlockHitResult ()Lnet/minecraft/class_3965; COMMENT Reads a block hit result from this buf. A block hit result is represented COMMENT by a block position, a direction enum constant, 3 floats for the hit COMMENT offset position, and a boolean for whether the hit was inside a block. COMMENT COMMENT @return the read block hit result COMMENT @see #writeBlockHitResult(BlockHitResult) METHOD method_19456 readChunkSectionPos ()Lnet/minecraft/class_4076; COMMENT Reads a chunk section position from this buf. A chunk section position is COMMENT represented by a regular long. COMMENT COMMENT @apiNote The writing equivalent has been removed by proguard as chunk COMMENT section writing is only used by debug rendering. The writing equivalent COMMENT would be {@code buf.writeLong(chunkSectionPos.toLong())}. COMMENT COMMENT @return the read chunk section pos METHOD method_19772 readString ()Ljava/lang/String; COMMENT Reads a string from this buf. A string is represented by a byte array of COMMENT its UTF-8 data. The string can have a maximum length of {@code 32767}. COMMENT COMMENT @return the string read COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException if the string read COMMENT exceeds the maximum length COMMENT @see #readString(int) COMMENT @see #writeString(String) COMMENT @see #writeString(String, int) METHOD method_29171 decode (Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;)Ljava/lang/Object; COMMENT Reads an object from this buf as a compound NBT with the given codec. COMMENT COMMENT @param the decoded object's type COMMENT @return the read object COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the {@code codec} fails COMMENT to decode the compound tag COMMENT @see #encode(Codec, Object) ARG 1 codec COMMENT the codec to decode the object METHOD method_29172 encode (Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;Ljava/lang/Object;)V COMMENT Writes an object to this buf as a compound NBT with the given codec. COMMENT COMMENT @param the encoded object's type COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the {@code codec} fails COMMENT to encode the compound tag COMMENT @see #decode(Codec) ARG 1 codec COMMENT the codec to encode the object ARG 2 object COMMENT the object to write to this buf METHOD method_30616 readCompoundTag (Lnet/minecraft/class_2505;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2487; COMMENT Reads an NBT compound from this buf. The binary representation of NBT is COMMENT handled by {@link net.minecraft.nbt.NbtIo}. If an END tag is encountered, COMMENT this method returns {@code null}. The compound can have a maximum size COMMENT controlled by the {@code sizeTracker}. COMMENT COMMENT @return the read compound, may be {@code null} COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the NBT cannot be read COMMENT @throws RuntimeException if the compound exceeds the allowed maximum size COMMENT @see #writeCompoundTag(CompoundTag) COMMENT @see #readCompoundTag() COMMENT @see #readUnlimitedCompoundTag() ARG 1 sizeTracker METHOD method_30617 readUnlimitedCompoundTag ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2487; COMMENT Reads an NBT compound from this buf. The binary representation of NBT is COMMENT handled by {@link net.minecraft.nbt.NbtIo}. If an END tag is encountered, COMMENT this method returns {@code null}. The compound does not have a size limit. COMMENT COMMENT @apiNote Since this version does not have a size limit, it may be COMMENT vulnerable to malicious NBT spam attacks. COMMENT COMMENT @return the read compound, may be {@code null} COMMENT @throws io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException if the NBT cannot be read COMMENT @see #writeCompoundTag(CompoundTag) COMMENT @see #readCompoundTag() COMMENT @see #readCompoundTag(PositionTracker) METHOD method_33134 readLongArray ()[J COMMENT Reads an array of primitive longs from this buf. The array first has a COMMENT var int indicating its length, followed by the regular long (not var COMMENT long) values. The array does not have a length limit. COMMENT COMMENT @see #writeLongArray(long[]) COMMENT @see #readLongArray(long[]) COMMENT @see #readLongArray(long[], int) COMMENT @return the read long array METHOD method_33557 writeBitSet (Ljava/util/BitSet;)V COMMENT Writes a bit set to this buf. A bit set is represented by a long array. COMMENT COMMENT @see #readBitSet() ARG 1 bitSet COMMENT the bit set to write METHOD method_33558 readBitSet ()Ljava/util/BitSet; COMMENT Reads a bit set from this buf. A bit set is represented by a long array. COMMENT COMMENT @return the read bit set COMMENT @see #writeBitSet(BitSet) METHOD method_34059 readIntList ()Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList; COMMENT Reads a list of primitive ints from this buf. The ints are stored as var COMMENT ints, with an extra var int in the beginning indicating the size. COMMENT COMMENT @apiNote To limit the length of the list or array read, use COMMENT {@link #readIntArray(int)}. COMMENT COMMENT @implNote A list of ints has the same format as an int array. COMMENT COMMENT @return the read list COMMENT @see #writeIntList(IntList) COMMENT @see #readIntArray() METHOD method_34060 writeIntList (Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList;)V COMMENT Writes a list of primitive ints from this buf. The ints are stored as var COMMENT ints, with an extra var int in the beginning indicating the size. COMMENT COMMENT @implNote A list of ints has the same format as an int array. COMMENT COMMENT @see #readIntList() COMMENT @see #writeIntArray(int[]) ARG 1 list COMMENT the list to write METHOD method_34062 writeCollection (Ljava/util/Collection;Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;)V COMMENT Writes a collection to this buf. The collection is stored as a leading COMMENT {@linkplain #readVarInt() var int} size followed by the entries COMMENT sequentially. COMMENT COMMENT @param the list's entry type COMMENT @see #readCollection(IntFunction, Function) ARG 1 collection COMMENT the collection to write ARG 2 entrySerializer COMMENT a serializer that writes each entry to this buf METHOD method_34063 writeMap (Ljava/util/Map;Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;)V COMMENT Writes a map to this buf. The map is stored as a leading COMMENT {@linkplain #readVarInt() var int} size followed by each key and value COMMENT pair. COMMENT COMMENT @param the key type COMMENT @param the value type COMMENT @see #readMap(IntFunction, Function, Function) ARG 1 map COMMENT the map to write ARG 2 keySerializer COMMENT a serializer that writes each key in the map to this buf ARG 3 valueSerializer COMMENT a serializer that writes each value in the map to this buf METHOD method_34064 (Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;Ljava/util/function/BiConsumer;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V ARG 3 key ARG 4 value METHOD method_34065 forEachInCollection (Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V COMMENT Iterates a collection from this buf. The collection is stored as a leading COMMENT {@linkplain #readVarInt() var int} {@code size} followed by the entries COMMENT sequentially. The {@code consumer} will be called {@code size} times. COMMENT COMMENT @see #readCollection(IntFunction, Function) ARG 1 consumer COMMENT the consumer to read entries METHOD method_34066 readList (Ljava/util/function/Function;)Ljava/util/List; COMMENT Reads a collection from this buf as an array list. COMMENT COMMENT @param the list's entry type COMMENT @return the read list COMMENT @see #readCollection(IntFunction, Function) ARG 1 entryParser COMMENT a parser that parses each entry for the collection given this buf METHOD method_34067 readMap (Ljava/util/function/Function;Ljava/util/function/Function;)Ljava/util/Map; COMMENT Reads a map from this buf as a hash map. COMMENT COMMENT @param the key type COMMENT @param the value type COMMENT @return the read map COMMENT @see #readMap(IntFunction, Function, Function) ARG 1 keyParser COMMENT a parser that parses each key for the map given this buf ARG 2 valueParser COMMENT a parser that parses each value for the map given this buf METHOD method_34068 readCollection (Ljava/util/function/IntFunction;Ljava/util/function/Function;)Ljava/util/Collection; COMMENT Reads a collection from this buf. The collection is stored as a leading COMMENT {@linkplain #readVarInt() var int} size followed by the entries COMMENT sequentially. COMMENT COMMENT @param the collection's entry type COMMENT @param the collection's type COMMENT @return the read collection COMMENT @see #writeCollection(Collection, BiConsumer) COMMENT @see #readList(Function) ARG 1 collectionFactory COMMENT a factory that creates a collection with a given size ARG 2 entryParser COMMENT a parser that parses each entry for the collection given this buf METHOD method_34069 readMap (Ljava/util/function/IntFunction;Ljava/util/function/Function;Ljava/util/function/Function;)Ljava/util/Map; COMMENT Reads a map from this buf. The map is stored as a leading COMMENT {@linkplain #readVarInt() var int} size followed by each key and value COMMENT pair. COMMENT COMMENT @param the key type COMMENT @param the value type COMMENT @param the map type COMMENT @return the read map COMMENT @see #writeMap(Map, BiConsumer, BiConsumer) COMMENT @see #readMap(Function, Function) ARG 1 mapFactory COMMENT a factory that creates a map with a given size ARG 2 keyParser COMMENT a parser that parses each key for the map given this buf ARG 3 valueParser COMMENT a parser that parses each value for the map given this buf