CLASS net/minecraft/class_6088 net/minecraft/world/WorldEvents COMMENT Constants of World Event IDs. COMMENT

World Events are used to trigger things on the client from the server side. COMMENT Most commonly, playing sound events or spawning particles. COMMENT

Some events have an extra data integer sent alongside them. COMMENT
Some events are global, meaning they will be sent to every player regardless of their position. COMMENT

Events are sent from the server to the client using {@link WorldEventS2CPacket}, COMMENT received on the client by {@link ClientPlayNetworkHandler#onWorldEvent}, COMMENT synced by {@link, int, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, int) ClientWorld#syncWorldEvent} and COMMENT {@link, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, int) ClientWorld#syncGlobalEvent} (for regular and global events respectively), and COMMENT finally processed by {@link net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer#processWorldEvent(int, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, int) WorldRenderer#processWorldEvent} and COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.client.render.WorldRenderer#processGlobalEvent(int, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, int) WorldRenderer#processGlobalEvent} (for regular and global events respectively). FIELD field_31114 ZOMBIE_INFECTS_VILLAGER I COMMENT A zombie infects a villager. COMMENT
Plays the zombie infect villager sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.mob.ZombieEntity#onKilledOther(, net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity) ZombieEntity#onKilledOther} FIELD field_31115 ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CURED I COMMENT A zombie villager is cured. COMMENT
Plays the zombie villager cured sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.mob.ZombieVillagerEntity#finishConversion( ZombieVillagerEntity#finishConversion} FIELD field_31116 ENDER_DRAGON_DIES I COMMENT An ender dragon dies. COMMENT
Plays the ender dragon death sound event. COMMENT

This is a global event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.EnderDragonEntity#updatePostDeath() EnderDragonEntity#updatePostDeath} FIELD field_31117 ANVIL_DESTROYED I COMMENT An anvil is destroyed from damage. COMMENT
Plays the anvil destroyed sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.AnvilBlock#onDestroyedOnLanding(, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.entity.FallingBlockEntity) AnvilBlock#onDestroyedOnLanding}, COMMENT and {@link net.minecraft.screen.AnvilScreenHandler#onTakeOutput(net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity, net.minecraft.item.ItemStack) AnvilScreenHandler#onTakeOutput} FIELD field_31118 ANVIL_USED I COMMENT An anvil is used. COMMENT
Plays the anvil used sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.screen.AnvilScreenHandler#onTakeOutput(net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity, net.minecraft.item.ItemStack) AnvilScreenHandler#onTakeOutput} FIELD field_31119 ANVIL_LANDS I COMMENT An anvil lands after falling. COMMENT
Plays the anvil landing sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.AnvilBlock#onLanding(, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.block.BlockState, net.minecraft.block.BlockState, net.minecraft.entity.FallingBlockEntity) AnvilBlock#onLanding} FIELD field_31120 TRAVEL_THROUGH_PORTAL I COMMENT A portal is traveled through. COMMENT
Plays the portal travel sound event directly through the client's sound manager. COMMENT

Called by {@link ServerPlayerEntity#moveToWorld} FIELD field_31121 CHORUS_FLOWER_GROWS I COMMENT A chorus flower grows. COMMENT
Plays the chorus flower growing sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.ChorusFlowerBlock#grow(, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, int) ChorusFlowerBlock#grow} FIELD field_31122 CHORUS_FLOWER_DIES I COMMENT A chorus flower dies. COMMENT
Plays the chorus flower death sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.ChorusFlowerBlock#die(, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) ChorusFlowerBlock#die} FIELD field_31123 BREWING_STAND_BREWS I COMMENT A brewing stand brews. COMMENT
Plays the brewing stand brewing sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.entity.BrewingStandBlockEntity#craft(, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.util.collection.DefaultedList) BrewingStandBlockEntity#craft} FIELD field_31126 END_PORTAL_OPENED I COMMENT An end portal is opened. COMMENT
Plays the end portal spawn sound event. COMMENT

This is a global event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.item.EnderEyeItem#useOnBlock(net.minecraft.item.ItemUsageContext) EnderEyeItem#useOnBlock} FIELD field_31127 PHANTOM_BITES I COMMENT A phantom bites its victim. COMMENT
Plays the phantom bite sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.mob.PhantomEntity.SwoopMovementGoal#tick() PhantomEntity.SwoopMovementGoal#tick} FIELD field_31128 ZOMBIE_CONVERTS_TO_DROWNED I COMMENT A zombie converts into a drowned. COMMENT
Plays the zombie convert to drowned sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.mob.ZombieEntity#convertInWater() ZombieEntity#convertInWater} FIELD field_31129 HUSK_CONVERTS_TO_ZOMBIE I COMMENT A husk converts into a zombie. COMMENT
Plays the husk convert to zombie sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.mob.HuskEntity#convertInWater() HuskEntity#convertInWater} FIELD field_31130 GRINDSTONE_USED I COMMENT A grindstone is used. COMMENT
Plays the grindstone used sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.screen.GrindstoneScreenHandler GrindstoneScreenHandler} FIELD field_31131 LECTERN_BOOK_PAGE_TURNED I COMMENT A page is turned in a book on a lectern. COMMENT
Plays the page turn sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.LecternBlock#setPowered(, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.block.BlockState) LecternBlock#setPowered} FIELD field_31132 SMITHING_TABLE_USED I COMMENT A smithing table is used. COMMENT
Plays the smithing table used sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.screen.SmithingScreenHandler#onTakeOutput(net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity, net.minecraft.item.ItemStack) SmithingScreenHandler#onTakeOutput} FIELD field_31133 POINTED_DRIPSTONE_LANDS I COMMENT A pointed dripstone lands after falling. COMMENT
Plays the pointed dripstone landing sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.PointedDripstoneBlock#onDestroyedOnLanding(, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.entity.FallingBlockEntity) PointedDripstoneBlock#onDestroyedOnLanding} FIELD field_31134 POINTED_DRIPSTONE_DRIPS_LAVA_INTO_CAULDRON I COMMENT A pointed dripstone drips lava into a cauldron. COMMENT
Plays the pointed dripstone dripping lava into cauldron sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.CauldronBlock#fillFromDripstone(net.minecraft.block.BlockState,, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.fluid.Fluid) CauldronBlock#fillFromDripstone} FIELD field_31135 POINTED_DRIPSTONE_DRIPS_WATER_INTO_CAULDRON I COMMENT A pointed dripstone drips water into a cauldron. COMMENT
Plays the pointed dripstone dripping water into cauldron sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.CauldronBlock#fillFromDripstone(net.minecraft.block.BlockState,, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.fluid.Fluid) CauldronBlock#fillFromDripstone}, COMMENT and {@link net.minecraft.block.LeveledCauldronBlock#fillFromDripstone(net.minecraft.block.BlockState,, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.fluid.Fluid) LeveledCauldronBlock#fillFromDripstone} FIELD field_31136 SKELETON_CONVERTS_TO_STRAY I COMMENT A skeleton converts into a stray. COMMENT
Plays the skeleton convert to stray sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.mob.SkeletonEntity#convertToStray() SkeletonEntity#convertToStray} FIELD field_31137 COMPOSTER_USED I COMMENT An item is composted in a composter. COMMENT
Plays the appropriate composting sound event and spawns composter particles. COMMENT

A {@code 1} should be passed as extra data if the use of the composter added to the level of compost inside. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.ComposterBlock#onUse(net.minecraft.block.BlockState,, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity, net.minecraft.util.hit.BlockHitResult) ComposterBlock#onUse}, COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.block.ComposterBlock.ComposterInventory#markDirty() ComposterBlock.ComposterInventory#markDirty}, COMMENT and {@link, net.minecraft.block.BlockState, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.block.BlockState) FarmerWorkTask#syncComposterEvent} FIELD field_31138 LAVA_EXTINGUISHED I COMMENT Lava is extinguished. COMMENT
Plays the lava extinguish sound event and spawns large smoke particles. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.FluidBlock#playExtinguishSound(, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) FluidBlock#playExtinguishSound}, COMMENT and {@link net.minecraft.fluid.LavaFluid#playExtinguishEvent(, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) LavaFluid#playExtinguishEvent} FIELD field_31139 REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNS_OUT I COMMENT A redstone torch burns out. COMMENT
Plays the redstone torch burn out sound event and spawns smoke particles. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.RedstoneTorchBlock#scheduledTick(net.minecraft.block.BlockState,, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.util.math.random.AbstractRandom) RedstoneTorchBlock#scheduledTick} FIELD field_31140 DISPENSER_DISPENSES I COMMENT A dispenser dispenses an item. COMMENT
Plays the dispensing sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.dispenser.BoatDispenserBehavior#playSound(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPointer) BoatDispenserBehavior#playSound}, COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.block.dispenser.FallibleItemDispenserBehavior#playSound(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPointer) FallibleItemDispenserBehavior#playSound}, COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.block.dispenser.ItemDispenserBehavior#playSound(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPointer) ItemDispenserBehavior#playSound}, COMMENT and {@link net.minecraft.item.MinecartItem#DISPENSER_BEHAVIOR MinecartItem#DISPENSER_BEHAVIOR} FIELD field_31141 END_PORTAL_FRAME_FILLED I COMMENT An end portal frame is filled with an eye of ender. COMMENT
Plays the end portal frame filled sound event and spawns smoke particles. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.item.EnderEyeItem#useOnBlock(net.minecraft.item.ItemUsageContext) EnderEyeItem#useOnBlock} FIELD field_31142 POINTED_DRIPSTONE_DRIPS I COMMENT A pointed dripstone drips fluid particles. COMMENT
Spawns dripping fluid particles. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.PointedDripstoneBlock#dripTick(net.minecraft.block.BlockState,, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, float) PointedDripstoneBlock#dripTick} FIELD field_31143 DISPENSER_ACTIVATED I COMMENT A dispenser is activated. COMMENT
Shoots smoke particles. COMMENT

The ordinal direction the dispenser is facing must be supplied as extra data. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.dispenser.ItemDispenserBehavior#spawnParticles(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPointer, net.minecraft.util.math.Direction) ItemDispenserBehavior#spawnParticles} FIELD field_31144 BLOCK_BROKEN I COMMENT A block is broken. COMMENT
Plays the appropriate block breaking sound event and spawns block breaking particles. COMMENT

The raw ID of the block must be supplied as extra data. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.Block#spawnBreakParticles(, net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.block.BlockState) Block#spawnBreakParticles}, COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.block.TallPlantBlock#onBreakInCreative(, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.block.BlockState, net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity) TallPlantBlock#onBreakInCreative}, COMMENT {@link BreakDoorGoal#tick}, COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.block.CarvedPumpkinBlock#trySpawnEntity(, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) CarvedPumpkinBlock#trySpawnEntity}, COMMENT {@link EatGrassGoal#tick}, COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.entity.passive.FoxEntity#tick() FoxEntity#tick}, COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.block.PowderSnowBlock#tryDrainFluid(net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity,, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.block.BlockState) PowderSnowBlock#tryDrainFluid}, COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.entity.passive.RabbitEntity.EatCarrotCropGoal#tick() RabbitEntity.EatCarrotCropGoal#tick}, COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.block.SpongeBlock#update(, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) SpongeBlock#update}, COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.block.TurtleEggBlock#breakEgg(, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.block.BlockState) TurtleEggBlock#breakEgg}, COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.block.TurtleEggBlock#randomTick(net.minecraft.block.BlockState,, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.util.math.random.AbstractRandom) TurtleEggBlock#randomTick}, COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.entity.passive.TurtleEntity#tickMovement() TurtleEntity#tickMovement}, COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.block.WitherSkullBlock#onPlaced(, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.block.entity.SkullBlockEntity) WitherSkullBlock#onPlaced}, COMMENT and {@link, boolean, net.minecraft.entity.Entity, int) World#breakBlock} FIELD field_31145 SPLASH_POTION_SPLASHED I COMMENT A non-instant splash potion is splashed. COMMENT
Plays the splash potion breaking sound event and spawns splash potion particles. COMMENT

The hex color of the potion must be supplied as extra data. COMMENT

For instant effects such as Instant Health and Instant Damage, use {@link #INSTANT_SPLASH_POTION_SPLASHED}. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.projectile.thrown.ExperienceBottleEntity#onCollision(net.minecraft.util.hit.HitResult) ExperienceBottleEntity#onCollision}, COMMENT and {@link net.minecraft.entity.projectile.thrown.PotionEntity#onCollision(net.minecraft.util.hit.HitResult) PotionEntity#onCollision} FIELD field_31146 EYE_OF_ENDER_BREAKS I COMMENT A thrown eye of ender breaks. COMMENT
Spawns several particles. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.EyeOfEnderEntity#tick() EyeOfEnderEntity#tick} FIELD field_31147 SPAWNER_SPAWNS_MOB I COMMENT A spawner spawns a mob. COMMENT
Spawns smoke and flame particles. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.spawner.MobSpawnerLogic#serverTick(, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) MobSpawnerLogic#serverTick} FIELD field_31149 DRAGON_BREATH_CLOUD_SPAWNS I COMMENT A dragon breath cloud spawns. COMMENT
Plays the dragon fireball explode sound event and spawns dragon breath particles. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.projectile.DragonFireballEntity#onCollision(net.minecraft.util.hit.HitResult) DragonFireballEntity#onCollision} FIELD field_31150 INSTANT_SPLASH_POTION_SPLASHED I COMMENT An instant splash potion is splashed. COMMENT
Plays the splash potion breaking sound event and spawns instant splash potion particles. COMMENT

The hex color of the potion must be supplied as extra data. COMMENT

For non-instant effects, use {@link #SPLASH_POTION_SPLASHED}. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.projectile.thrown.PotionEntity#onCollision(net.minecraft.util.hit.HitResult) PotionEntity#onCollision} FIELD field_31151 ENDER_DRAGON_BREAKS_BLOCK I COMMENT An ender dragon breaks a block. COMMENT
Spawns an explosion particle. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.EnderDragonEntity#destroyBlocks(net.minecraft.util.math.Box) EnderDragonEntity#destroyBlocks} FIELD field_31152 WET_SPONGE_DRIES_OUT I COMMENT A wet sponge dries out in an ultrawarm dimension. COMMENT
Spawns cloud particles. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.WetSpongeBlock#onBlockAdded(net.minecraft.block.BlockState,, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.block.BlockState, boolean) WetSpongeBlock#onBlockAdded} FIELD field_31153 END_GATEWAY_SPAWNS I COMMENT An end gateway spawns. COMMENT
Plays the end gateway spawn sound event and spawns an explosion emitter particle. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.EnderDragonFight#generateEndGateway(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) EnderDragonFight#generateEndGateway} FIELD field_31154 ENDER_DRAGON_RESURRECTED I COMMENT The ender dragon is being resurrected. COMMENT
Plays the ender dragon growl sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.EnderDragonSpawnState#run(, net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.EnderDragonFight, java.util.List, int, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) EnderDragonSpawnState#run} FIELD field_31155 ELECTRICITY_SPARKS I COMMENT Electricity sparks after lightning hits a lightning rod or oxidizable blocks. COMMENT
Spawns electric spark particles. COMMENT

The ordinal direction the lightning rod is facing must be supplied as extra data. COMMENT
A {@code -1} should be passed if the event is called by a lightning entity itself. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.LightningRodBlock#setPowered(net.minecraft.block.BlockState,, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) LightningRodBlock#setPowered}, COMMENT and {@link net.minecraft.entity.LightningEntity#cleanOxidationAround(, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) LightningEntity#cleanOxidationAround} FIELD field_31156 BLOCK_WAXED I COMMENT A block is waxed. COMMENT
Plays the block waxing sound event and spawns waxing particles. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.item.HoneycombItem#useOnBlock(net.minecraft.item.ItemUsageContext) HoneycombItem#useOnBlock} FIELD field_31157 WAX_REMOVED I COMMENT Wax is removed from a block. COMMENT
Spawns wax removal particles. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.item.AxeItem#useOnBlock(net.minecraft.item.ItemUsageContext) AxeItem#useOnBlock} FIELD field_31158 BLOCK_SCRAPED I COMMENT A block is scraped. COMMENT
Spawns scraping particles. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.item.AxeItem#useOnBlock(net.minecraft.item.ItemUsageContext) AxeItem#useOnBlock} FIELD field_31159 DISPENSER_FAILS I COMMENT A dispenser fails to dispense an item. COMMENT
Plays the dispenser fail sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.DispenserBlock#dispense(, net.minecraft.block.BlockState, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) DispenserBlock#dispense}, COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.block.DropperBlock#dispense(, net.minecraft.block.BlockState, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) DropperBlock#dispense}, COMMENT and {@link net.minecraft.block.dispenser.FallibleItemDispenserBehavior#playSound(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPointer) FallibleItemDispenserBehavior#playSound} FIELD field_31160 DISPENSER_LAUNCHES_PROJECTILE I COMMENT A dispenser launches a projectile. COMMENT
Plays the dispenser launch sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.dispenser.ProjectileDispenserBehavior#playSound(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPointer) ProjectileDispenserBehavior#playSound} FIELD field_31161 EYE_OF_ENDER_LAUNCHES I COMMENT An eye of ender is launched. COMMENT
Plays the eye of ender launching sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.item.EnderEyeItem#use(, net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity, net.minecraft.util.Hand) EnderEyeItem#use} FIELD field_31162 FIREWORK_ROCKET_SHOOTS I COMMENT A firework rocket is shot. COMMENT
Plays the firework shoot sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.dispenser.DispenserBehavior DispenserBehavior} FIELD field_31167 FIRE_EXTINGUISHED I COMMENT Fire is extinguished. COMMENT
Plays the appropriate fire extinguish sound event. COMMENT

A {@code 1} should be supplied as extra data if an entity was extinguished, and {@code 0} for a block. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.AbstractFireBlock#onBreak(, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.block.BlockState, net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity) AbstractFireBlock#onBreak}, COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.entity.projectile.thrown.PotionEntity#extinguishFire(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) PotionEntity#extinguishFire}, COMMENT and {@link net.minecraft.item.ShovelItem#useOnBlock(net.minecraft.item.ItemUsageContext) ShovelItem#useOnBlock} FIELD field_31173 GHAST_WARNS I COMMENT A ghast warns its victim. COMMENT
Plays the ghast warn sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.mob.GhastEntity.ShootFireballGoal#tick() GhastEntity.ShootFireballGoal#tick} FIELD field_31174 GHAST_SHOOTS I COMMENT A ghast shoots a fireball. COMMENT
Plays the ghast shoot sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.mob.GhastEntity.ShootFireballGoal#tick() GhastEntity.ShootFireballGoal#tick} FIELD field_31175 ENDER_DRAGON_SHOOTS I COMMENT An ender dragon shoots a fireball. COMMENT
Plays the ender dragon shoot sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.phase.StrafePlayerPhase#serverTick() StrafePlayerPhase#serverTick} FIELD field_31176 BLAZE_SHOOTS I COMMENT A blaze shoots a fireball or a fire charge is shot by a dispenser. COMMENT
Plays the blaze shoot sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.mob.BlazeEntity.ShootFireballGoal#tick() BlazeEntity.ShootFireballGoal#tick}, COMMENT and {@link net.minecraft.block.dispenser.DispenserBehavior DispenserBehavior} FIELD field_31177 ZOMBIE_ATTACKS_WOODEN_DOOR I COMMENT A zombie attacks a wooden door. COMMENT
Plays the zombie attacking wooden door sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link BreakDoorGoal#tick} FIELD field_31178 ZOMBIE_ATTACKS_IRON_DOOR I COMMENT A zombie attacks an iron door. COMMENT
Plays the zombie attacking iron door sound event. COMMENT
Goes unused. FIELD field_31179 ZOMBIE_BREAKS_WOODEN_DOOR I COMMENT A zombie breaks a wooden door. COMMENT
Plays the zombie breaking wooden door sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link BreakDoorGoal#tick} FIELD field_31180 WITHER_BREAKS_BLOCK I COMMENT A wither breaks a block. COMMENT
Plays the wither breaking block sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.boss.WitherEntity#mobTick() WitherEntity#mobTick} FIELD field_31181 WITHER_SPAWNS I COMMENT A wither is spawned. COMMENT
Plays the wither spawn sound event. COMMENT

This is a global event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.boss.WitherEntity#mobTick() WitherEntity#mobTick} FIELD field_31182 WITHER_SHOOTS I COMMENT A wither shoots a wither skull. COMMENT
Plays the wither shoot sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.boss.WitherEntity#shootSkullAt(int, double, double, double, boolean) WitherEntity#shootSkullAt} FIELD field_31183 BAT_TAKES_OFF I COMMENT A bat takes off. COMMENT
Plays the bat take off sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.passive.BatEntity#mobTick() BatEntity#mobTick} FIELD field_33511 BONE_MEAL_USED I COMMENT Bone meal is used. COMMENT
Plays the bone meal item used sound event and spawns happy villager particles. COMMENT

The amount of particles to spawn must be supplied as extra data. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.item.BoneMealItem#useOnBlock(net.minecraft.item.ItemUsageContext) BoneMealItem#useOnBlock}, COMMENT an anonymous class in {@link net.minecraft.block.dispenser.DispenserBehavior#registerDefaults() DispenserBehavior#registerDefaults}, COMMENT and {@link, net.minecraft.entity.passive.VillagerEntity, long) BoneMealTask#keepRunning} FIELD field_37586 SCULK_CHARGE I COMMENT Sculk releases a charge. COMMENT
Spawns sculk charge particles. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.entity.SculkSpreadManager#tick(, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.util.math.random.Random, boolean) SculkSpreadManager#tick} FIELD field_38228 SCULK_SHRIEKS I COMMENT A sculk shrieker shrieks. COMMENT
Spawns shriek particles and plays the shriek sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.entity.SculkShriekerBlockEntity#shriek(, net.minecraft.entity.Entity) SculkShriekerBlockEntity#shriek} FIELD field_42759 BLOCK_FINISHED_BRUSHING I COMMENT A block has been completely brushed. COMMENT
Spawns block break particles and plays the block's brushing complete sound. COMMENT

The block's raw ID must be supplied as extra data. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.entity.BrushableBlockEntity#finishBrushing(net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity) BrushableBlockEntity#finishBrushing} FIELD field_42760 JUKEBOX_STARTS_PLAYING I COMMENT A jukebox starts playing a music disc. COMMENT
Plays the appropriate music. COMMENT

The raw ID of the music disc item must be supplied as extra data. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.entity.JukeboxBlockEntity#startPlaying() JukeboxBlockEntity#startPlaying} FIELD field_42761 JUKEBOX_STOPS_PLAYING I COMMENT A jukebox stops playing a music disc. COMMENT
Stops any music currently playing. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.entity.JukeboxBlockEntity#stopPlaying() JukeboxBlockEntity#stopPlaying} FIELD field_43238 SNIFFER_EGG_CRACKS I COMMENT A sniffer egg cracks. COMMENT
Spawns between 1 and 3 egg crack particles. COMMENT

If a {@code 1} is passed as extra data, between 3 and 6 egg crack particles are spawned instead. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.SnifferEggBlock#onBlockAdded(net.minecraft.block.BlockState,, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.block.BlockState, boolean) SnifferEggBlock#onBlockAdded} FIELD field_46805 CRAFTER_CRAFTS I COMMENT A crafter crafts an item. COMMENT
Plays the crafter craft sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.CrafterBlock#transferOrSpawnStack CrafterBlock#transferOrSpawnStack} FIELD field_46806 CRAFTER_FAILS I COMMENT A crafter fails to craft. COMMENT
Plays the crafter fail sound event. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.CrafterBlock#craft(net.minecraft.block.BlockState,, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) CrafterBlock#craft} FIELD field_46807 CRAFTER_SHOOTS I COMMENT A crafter shoots out an item. COMMENT
Shoots white smoke particles. COMMENT

The ordinal direction the crafter is facing must be supplied as extra data. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.CrafterBlock#transferOrSpawnStack(, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.block.entity.CrafterBlockEntity, net.minecraft.item.ItemStack, net.minecraft.block.BlockState) CrafterBlock#transferOrSpawnStack} FIELD field_47340 TRIAL_SPAWNER_SPAWNS_MOB I COMMENT A trial spawner spawns a mob. Triggered at the position of the spawner. COMMENT
Spawns mob spawn particles. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.spawner.TrialSpawnerLogic#trySpawnMob}. FIELD field_47341 TRIAL_SPAWNER_SPAWNS_MOB_AT_SPAWN_POS I COMMENT A trial spawner spawns a mob. Triggered at the position of the spawned mob. COMMENT
Plays the spawn sound and spawns mob spawn particles. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.spawner.TrialSpawnerLogic#trySpawnMob}. FIELD field_47342 TRIAL_SPAWNER_DETECTS_PLAYER I COMMENT A trial spawner detects survival-mode players. COMMENT
Plays the detection sound and spawns detection particles. COMMENT

The extra data denotes the number of players. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.spawner.TrialSpawnerData#updatePlayers}. FIELD field_47343 TRIAL_SPAWNER_EJECTS_ITEM I COMMENT A trial spawner ejects loot. COMMENT
Plays the ejection sound and spawns ejection particles. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.spawner.TrialSpawnerLogic#ejectLootTable}. FIELD field_47837 BEE_FERTILIZES_PLANT I COMMENT A plant is fertilized by a bee. COMMENT
Spawns happy villager particles. COMMENT

The amount of particles to spawn must be supplied as extra data. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.passive.BeeEntity.GrowCropsGoal#tick() BeeEntity.GrowCropsGoal#tick} FIELD field_47838 TURTLE_EGG_PLACED I COMMENT A turtle egg is placed on sand. COMMENT
Spawns happy villager particles. COMMENT

The amount of particles to spawn must be supplied as extra data. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.TurtleEggBlock#onBlockAdded(net.minecraft.block.BlockState,, net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.block.BlockState, boolean) TurtleEggBlock#onBlockAdded} FIELD field_48852 VAULT_ACTIVATES I COMMENT A vault is activated. COMMENT
Plays the activate sound and spawns smoke and small flame particles. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.enums.VaultState#ACTIVE}. FIELD field_48853 VAULT_DEACTIVATES I COMMENT A vault is deactivated. COMMENT
Plays the deactivate sound and spawns small flame particles. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.enums.VaultState#INACTIVE}. FIELD field_48854 VAULT_EJECTS_ITEM I COMMENT A vault ejects loot. COMMENT
Spawns ejection particles. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.enums.VaultState#ejectItem}. FIELD field_50164 COBWEB_WEAVED I COMMENT A cobweb is placed by the weaving effect. COMMENT
Spawns poof particles and plays the cobweb place sound. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.effect.WeavingStatusEffect#tryPlaceCobweb}. FIELD field_50165 OMINOUS_TRIAL_SPAWNER_DETECTS_PLAYER I COMMENT An ominous trial spawner detects survival-mode players. COMMENT
Plays the detection sound and spawns detection particles. COMMENT

The extra data denotes the number of players. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.spawner.TrialSpawnerData#updatePlayers}. FIELD field_50166 TRIAL_SPAWNER_TURNS_OMINOUS I COMMENT A trial spawner becomes ominous. COMMENT
Plays the activate sound and spawns both detection and omen particles. COMMENT

If a {@code 0} is passed as extra data, the activate sound will be played at 0.3 volume. COMMENT
Otherwise, it is played at full volume. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.block.spawner.TrialSpawnerLogic#setOminous}, COMMENT and {@link net.minecraft.block.spawner.TrialSpawnerData#updatePlayers}. FIELD field_50167 OMINOUS_ITEM_SPAWNER_SPAWNS_ITEM I COMMENT An ominous item spawner spawns an item. COMMENT
Plays the item spawn sound and spawns mob spawn particles. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.entity.OminousItemSpawnerEntity#spawnItem} FIELD field_50168 SMASH_ATTACK I COMMENT A mace is used to execute a smash attack. COMMENT
Spawns dust pillar particles. COMMENT

The amount of particles to spawn must be supplied as extra data. COMMENT

Called by {@link net.minecraft.item.MaceItem#knockbackNearbyEntities}