CLASS net/minecraft/class_6595 net/minecraft/SaveVersion COMMENT The version components of Minecraft that is used for identification in COMMENT save games. FIELD field_34768 MAIN_SERIES Ljava/lang/String; COMMENT The default series of a version, {@code main}, if a series is not specified. FIELD field_34769 id I FIELD field_34770 series Ljava/lang/String; METHOD (I)V ARG 1 id METHOD (ILjava/lang/String;)V ARG 1 id ARG 2 series METHOD method_38490 isNotMainSeries ()Z METHOD method_38491 hasSameSeries (Lnet/minecraft/class_6595;)Z ARG 1 other METHOD method_38492 getSeries ()Ljava/lang/String; COMMENT {@return the series of this version} COMMENT COMMENT

This is stored in the {@code Series} field within {@code level.dat}. COMMENT COMMENT

Known values include {@code main} for the main series and COMMENT {@code ccpreview} for the caves and cliffs experimental snapshots. METHOD method_38493 isAvailableTo (Lnet/minecraft/class_6595;)Z COMMENT {@return whether this save version can be loaded by the {@code other} version} ARG 1 other METHOD method_38494 getId ()I COMMENT {@return the integer data version of this save version} METHOD method_38495 hasIncompatibleWorldHeight ()Z COMMENT {@return if this save version has the new -64 to 319 world height limit} COMMENT COMMENT

This corresponds to world versions {@code 2693} to {@code 2706}, or COMMENT game versions 21w06a to 21w14a.