CLASS net/minecraft/class_5568 net/minecraft/world/entity/EntityLike COMMENT A prototype of entity that's suitable for entity manager to handle. METHOD method_24204 streamSelfAndPassengers ()Ljava/util/stream/Stream; COMMENT Returns a stream consisting of this entity and its passengers recursively. COMMENT Each entity will appear before any of its passengers. COMMENT COMMENT

This may be less costly than {@link #streamPassengersAndSelf()} if the COMMENT stream's iteration would terminates fast, such as finding an arbitrary COMMENT match of entity in the passengers tree. COMMENT COMMENT @implNote The default implementation is not very efficient. COMMENT COMMENT @see #streamPassengersAndSelf() METHOD method_24515 getBlockPos ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2338; METHOD method_31744 setChangeListener (Lnet/minecraft/class_5569;)V ARG 1 changeListener METHOD method_31745 setRemoved (Lnet/minecraft/class_1297$class_5529;)V ARG 1 reason METHOD method_31746 shouldSave ()Z METHOD method_31747 isPlayer ()Z METHOD method_31748 streamPassengersAndSelf ()Ljava/util/stream/Stream; COMMENT Returns a stream consisting of this entity and its passengers in which COMMENT this entity's passengers are iterated before this entity. COMMENT COMMENT

Moreover, this stream guarantees that any entity only appears after COMMENT all its passengers have appeared in the stream. This is useful for COMMENT certain actions that must be applied on passengers before applying on COMMENT this entity. COMMENT COMMENT @implNote The default implementation is very costly. COMMENT COMMENT @see #streamSelfAndPassengers() METHOD method_5628 getId ()I COMMENT {@return the network ID of this entity} COMMENT COMMENT

Compared to the {@linkplain #getUuid() UUID}, the integer network ID is COMMENT significantly smaller and more suitable for network transportation. However, it COMMENT is not persistent across game runs. For persistent purposes such as commands COMMENT or game data, use the UUID. METHOD method_5667 getUuid ()Ljava/util/UUID; METHOD method_5829 getBoundingBox ()Lnet/minecraft/class_238;