CLASS net/minecraft/class_8934 net/minecraft/inventory/LootableInventory COMMENT An inventory whose contents can be supplied from a loot table. COMMENT COMMENT

This is usually implemented by block entities, which extend {@link COMMENT net.minecraft.block.entity.LootableContainerBlockEntity}. FIELD field_47154 LOOT_TABLE_KEY Ljava/lang/String; FIELD field_47155 LOOT_TABLE_SEED_KEY Ljava/lang/String; METHOD method_10997 getWorld ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1937; METHOD method_11016 getPos ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2338; METHOD method_11285 setLootTableId (Lnet/minecraft/class_2960;)V COMMENT Sets the loot table ID. COMMENT COMMENT

This is usually stored under the {@value LOOT_TABLE_KEY} NBT key. ARG 1 lootTableId COMMENT the loot table ID, or {@code null} to remove the loot table METHOD method_54866 setLootTableSeed (J)V COMMENT Sets the loot table's seed. COMMENT COMMENT

Vanilla implementations return {@code 0} when there is no loot COMMENT table associated with the inventory, although it is not necessary. COMMENT COMMENT

This is usually stored under the {@value LOOT_TABLE_SEED_KEY} NBT key. ARG 1 lootTableSeed METHOD method_54867 setLootTable (Lnet/minecraft/class_2960;J)V COMMENT Sets the loot table ID and seed at once. COMMENT This is useful for code-based structure generation. COMMENT COMMENT @see #setLootTableId(Identifier) COMMENT @see #setLootTableSeed(long) COMMENT @see #setLootTable(BlockView, Random, BlockPos, Identifier) ARG 1 lootTableId ARG 2 lootTableSeed METHOD method_54868 setLootTable (Lnet/minecraft/class_1922;Lnet/minecraft/class_5819;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_2960;)V COMMENT Queries the block entity at {@code pos}, checks if it is a {@link LootableInventory}, COMMENT and sets the loot table ID and seed if applicable. COMMENT This is useful for code-based structure generation. COMMENT COMMENT @see #setLootTableId(Identifier) COMMENT @see #setLootTableSeed(long) COMMENT @see #setLootTable(Identifier, long) ARG 0 world ARG 1 random ARG 2 pos ARG 3 lootTableId METHOD method_54869 getLootTableId ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2960; COMMENT {@return the loot table ID, or {@code null} if there is no associated loot table} COMMENT COMMENT

This is usually stored under the {@value LOOT_TABLE_KEY} NBT key. METHOD method_54870 getLootTableSeed ()J COMMENT {@return the loot table's seed} COMMENT COMMENT

Vanilla implementations return {@code 0} when there is no loot COMMENT table associated with the inventory, although it is not necessary. COMMENT COMMENT

This is usually stored under the {@value LOOT_TABLE_SEED_KEY} NBT key. METHOD method_54871 readLootTable (Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;)Z COMMENT Reads the loot table ID and seed from {@code nbt}, if the loot table ID COMMENT exists in {@code nbt}. Implementations should skip reading the contents of COMMENT the inventory if this returns {@code true}. COMMENT COMMENT @return whether the loot table ID was found ARG 1 nbt METHOD method_54872 writeLootTable (Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;)Z COMMENT Writes the loot table ID and seed to {@code nbt}, if {@linkplain #getLootTableId COMMENT the loot table ID} is not {@code null}. Implementations should skip writing the COMMENT contents of the inventory if this returns {@code true}. COMMENT COMMENT

This skips writing the seed if it equals {@code 0L}. This has no practical COMMENT difference in-game, as getting nonexistent {@code long} values return {@code 0L}. COMMENT COMMENT @return whether the loot table ID was non-{@code null} ARG 1 nbt METHOD method_54873 generateLoot (Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;)V COMMENT Replaces the contents of this inventory with the generated loot, if it exists. COMMENT Does nothing if there is no loot table associated with this inventory. COMMENT After generation, the loot table is removed from the inventory. COMMENT COMMENT

Implementations should call this method whenever the inventory is accessed. ARG 1 player COMMENT the player that triggered this generation (by opening, breaking, etc), or COMMENT {@code null} if there was no player involvement