CLASS net/minecraft/class_7532 net/minecraft/client/gui/PlayerSkinDrawer COMMENT Helper class for drawing a player's head on GUI. METHOD method_44443 draw (Lnet/minecraft/class_332;Lnet/minecraft/class_2960;III)V COMMENT Draws the player's head (including the hat) on GUI. ARG 0 context ARG 1 texture ARG 2 x ARG 3 y ARG 4 size METHOD method_44444 drawHat (Lnet/minecraft/class_332;Lnet/minecraft/class_2960;IIIZ)V ARG 0 context ARG 1 texture ARG 2 x ARG 3 y ARG 4 size ARG 5 upsideDown METHOD method_44445 draw (Lnet/minecraft/class_332;Lnet/minecraft/class_2960;IIIZZ)V COMMENT Draws the player's head on GUI. ARG 0 context ARG 1 texture ARG 2 x ARG 3 y ARG 4 size ARG 5 hatVisible ARG 6 upsideDown