CLASS net/minecraft/class_703 net/minecraft/client/particle/Particle COMMENT A client-side visual effect with position, velocity, collision, and additional render properties. COMMENT COMMENT

COMMENT Each particle is typically rendered as a camera-facing texture quad. COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.client.particle.SpriteBillboardParticle} provides this behavior, and most vanilla particles inherit from it. COMMENT COMMENT

COMMENT If you would like a particle with no direct rendering effects, inherit from {@link NoRenderParticle}. FIELD field_21507 stopped Z FIELD field_28786 velocityMultiplier F FIELD field_28787 ascending Z FIELD field_36193 MAX_SQUARED_COLLISION_CHECK_DISTANCE D FIELD field_3838 prevPosY D FIELD field_3839 angle F FIELD field_3840 random Lnet/minecraft/class_5819; FIELD field_3841 alpha F FIELD field_3842 green F FIELD field_3843 dead Z FIELD field_3844 gravityStrength F FIELD field_3845 onGround Z FIELD field_3847 maxAge I FIELD field_3849 spacingXZ F FIELD field_3850 velocityZ D FIELD field_3851 world Lnet/minecraft/class_638; FIELD field_3852 velocityX D FIELD field_3854 y D FIELD field_3856 prevPosZ D FIELD field_3857 prevAngle F FIELD field_3858 prevPosX D FIELD field_3859 blue F FIELD field_3860 EMPTY_BOUNDING_BOX Lnet/minecraft/class_238; FIELD field_3861 red F FIELD field_3862 collidesWithWorld Z FIELD field_3866 age I FIELD field_3867 spacingY F FIELD field_3869 velocityY D FIELD field_3871 z D FIELD field_3872 boundingBox Lnet/minecraft/class_238; FIELD field_3874 x D METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_638;DDD)V ARG 1 world ARG 2 x ARG 4 y ARG 6 z METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_638;DDDDDD)V ARG 1 world ARG 2 x ARG 4 y ARG 6 z ARG 8 velocityX ARG 10 velocityY ARG 12 velocityZ METHOD method_18122 getType ()Lnet/minecraft/class_3999; COMMENT {@return the rendering category this particle is rendered under} COMMENT COMMENT

COMMENT For more information on the properties and types available to each {@code Particle}, visit {@link ParticleTextureSheet}. METHOD method_3063 setPos (DDD)V COMMENT Updates the position and bounding box of this particle to the target {@code x}, {@code y}, {@code z} position. ARG 1 x COMMENT the x position to move this particle to ARG 3 y COMMENT the y position to move this particle to ARG 5 z COMMENT the z position to move this particle to METHOD method_3064 getBoundingBox ()Lnet/minecraft/class_238; COMMENT {@return the bounding {@link Box} of this particle used for collision and movement logic} COMMENT COMMENT

COMMENT By default, this bounding box is automatically repositioned when a particle moves in {@link Particle#tick()}. COMMENT To adjust the size of the returned box, visit {@link Particle#setBoundingBoxSpacing(float, float)}. COMMENT To directly update the current bounding box, visit {@link Particle#setBoundingBox(Box)}; METHOD method_3067 setBoundingBox (Lnet/minecraft/class_238;)V ARG 1 boundingBox METHOD method_3068 getBrightness (F)I COMMENT {@return the packed light level this particle should render at} COMMENT COMMENT @see net.minecraft.client.render.LightmapTextureManager ARG 1 tint METHOD method_3069 move (DDD)V COMMENT Moves this particle by the specified delta amounts, re-positioning bounding boxes and adjusting movement for collision with the world. ARG 1 dx COMMENT the delta x to move this particle by ARG 3 dy COMMENT the delta y to move this particle by ARG 5 dz COMMENT the delta z to move this particle by METHOD method_3070 tick ()V COMMENT Called each game tick (20 times per second), and should be used to do core particle logic, such as movement and collision. METHOD method_3072 repositionFromBoundingBox ()V METHOD method_3074 buildGeometry (Lnet/minecraft/class_4588;Lnet/minecraft/class_4184;F)V COMMENT Renders this particle to the given {@link VertexConsumer} buffer. ARG 1 vertexConsumer COMMENT the buffer to render to ARG 2 camera COMMENT the current active game {@link Camera} ARG 3 tickDelta COMMENT frame tick delta amount METHOD method_3075 move (F)Lnet/minecraft/class_703; COMMENT Multiplies this particle's current velocity by the target {@code speed} amount. ARG 1 speed COMMENT the velocity multiplier to apply to this particle METHOD method_3077 setMaxAge (I)V COMMENT Sets the maximum age, in ticks, that this particle can exist for. ARG 1 maxAge COMMENT the new maximum age of this particle, in ticks METHOD method_3080 setBoundingBoxSpacing (FF)V ARG 1 spacingXZ ARG 2 spacingY METHOD method_3082 getMaxAge ()I COMMENT {@return the maximum age, in ticks, of this particle} COMMENT If this particle's age exceeds this value, it will be removed from the world. METHOD method_3083 setAlpha (F)V COMMENT Updates the alpha value of this particle to use while rendering. COMMENT COMMENT

COMMENT Note that a particle cannot render with transparency unless {@link Particle#getType()} is COMMENT {@link ParticleTextureSheet#PARTICLE_SHEET_TRANSLUCENT}, or another sheet that supports transparency. COMMENT COMMENT

COMMENT Also note that the default particle shader (core/particle.fsh) will discard all transparent pixels below 0.1 alpha. ARG 1 alpha COMMENT the new alpha value of this particle METHOD method_3084 setColor (FFF)V COMMENT Updates the rendering color of this particle. COMMENT Each value should be between 0.0 (no channel color) and 1.0 (full channel color). ARG 1 red COMMENT the target red color to use while rendering ARG 2 green COMMENT the target green color to use while rendering ARG 3 blue COMMENT the target blue color to use while rendering METHOD method_3085 markDead ()V COMMENT Marks this particle as ready to be removed from the containing {@link ClientWorld}. METHOD method_3086 isAlive ()Z COMMENT {@return {@code false} if this particle is finished and should be removed from the parent {@link ParticleManager}, otherwise {@code true} if the particle is still alive} METHOD method_3087 scale (F)Lnet/minecraft/class_703; COMMENT Scales the size of this particle by the given {@code scale} amount. COMMENT COMMENT @return this particle ARG 1 scale COMMENT the amount to scale this particle's size by METHOD method_34019 getGroup ()Ljava/util/Optional; COMMENT {@return the optional group that this particle belongs to} COMMENT COMMENT

A particle group restricts the number of particles from the group that COMMENT can be rendered in a client world. If the particle does not have a group, COMMENT it is not restricted. METHOD method_34753 setVelocity (DDD)V COMMENT Updates this particle's velocity to the target X, Y, and Z values. ARG 1 velocityX COMMENT the new x-velocity of this particle ARG 3 velocityY COMMENT the new y-velocity of this particle ARG 5 velocityZ COMMENT the new z-velocity of this particle