CLASS net/minecraft/class_7615 net/minecraft/network/message/MessageVerifier COMMENT Verifies incoming messages' signature and the message chain. COMMENT COMMENT

Methods in this interface must be called in the order of the message's reception, COMMENT as it affects the verification result. METHOD method_44885 create (Lnet/minecraft/class_7428;Z)Lnet/minecraft/class_7615; ARG 0 publicKey METHOD method_44886 verify (Lnet/minecraft/class_7471;)Lnet/minecraft/class_7615$class_7646; ARG 1 message METHOD method_44887 storeHeaderVerification (Lnet/minecraft/class_7614;Lnet/minecraft/class_7469;[B)Lnet/minecraft/class_7615$class_7646; COMMENT Stores the status of verifying the header. COMMENT COMMENT

Clients can receive only the message header instead of the whole message. This COMMENT allows the chain to reference such messages. Since no actual content is received, COMMENT this does not return the verification status. ARG 1 header ARG 2 signature ARG 3 bodyDigest CLASS class_7616 Impl FIELD field_39821 lastMessageVerified Z FIELD field_39822 signatureVerifier Lnet/minecraft/class_7500; FIELD field_39823 precedingSignature Lnet/minecraft/class_7469; METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_7500;)V ARG 1 signatureVerifier METHOD method_44996 verifyPrecedingSignature (Lnet/minecraft/class_7614;Lnet/minecraft/class_7469;Z)Z ARG 1 header METHOD method_44997 verify (Lnet/minecraft/class_7614;Lnet/minecraft/class_7469;[BZ)Z ARG 3 bodyDigest