package net.fabricmc.yarn.constants; public final class SetBlockStateFlags { /** * Propagates a change event to surrounding blocks. */ public static final int PROPAGATE_CHANGE = 1; /** * Notifies listeners and clients who need to react when the block changes. */ public static final int NOTIFY_LISTENERS = 2; /** * Used in conjunction with {@link NOTIFY_LISTENERS} to suppress the render pass on clients. */ public static final int NO_REDRAW = 4; /** * Forces a synchronous redraw on clients. */ public static final int REDRAW_ON_MAIN_THREAD = 8; /** * Bypass virtual block state changes and forces the passed state to be stored as-is. */ public static final int FORCE_STATE = 16; /** * Prevents the previous block (container) from dropping items when destroyed. */ public static final int SKIP_DROPS = 32; /** * Signals that the current block is being moved to a different location, usually because of a piston. */ public static final int MOVED = 64; /** * Signals that lighting updates should be skipped. */ public static final int SKIP_LIGHTING_UPDATES = 128; private SetBlockStateFlags() { } }