CLASS ad net/minecraft/advancement/criterion/ChangedDimensionCriterion CLASS ad$a Handler FIELD a manager Lqn; FIELD b conditions Ljava/util/Set; METHOD a isEmpty ()Z METHOD a handle (Lbti;Lbti;)V METHOD a addCondition (Lu$a;)V METHOD b removeCondition (Lu$a;)V CLASS ad$b Conditions FIELD a from Lbti; FIELD b to Lbti; METHOD a to (Lbti;)Lad$b; METHOD b matches (Lbti;Lbti;)Z FIELD a ID Lqd; FIELD b handlers Ljava/util/Map; METHOD a handle (Lut;Lbti;Lbti;)V ARG 1 player METHOD b deserializeConditions (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Lad$b; ARG 1 obj