CLASS net/minecraft/class_7837 net/minecraft/util/math/MatrixUtil FIELD field_40746 COT_PI_OVER_8 F FIELD field_40747 COS_PI_OVER_8 F FIELD field_40748 SIN_PI_OVER_8 F METHOD method_46410 qrGivensQuaternion (FF)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Pair; COMMENT Computes the Givens quaternion for a QR factorization. COMMENT See Algorithm 4 of COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT @return a pair {@code (c, s) = (cos(theta), sin(theta))} ARG 0 a1 ARG 1 a2 METHOD method_46411 approximateGivensQuaternion (FFF)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Pair; COMMENT Computes the approximate Givens rotation factors {@code (c, s) = (cos(phi), sin(phi))} for a 2×2 matrix. COMMENT See Algorithm 4 of COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT @return a pair {@code (c, s) = (cos(theta), sin(theta))} ARG 0 a11 COMMENT the top-left element of the matrix ARG 1 a12 COMMENT the average of the two elements on the minor diagonal ARG 2 a22 COMMENT the bottom-right element of the matrix METHOD method_46412 svdDecompose (Lorg/joml/Matrix3f;)Lorg/apache/commons/lang3/tuple/Triple; COMMENT Performs an approximate singular value decomposition on a 3×3 matrix. COMMENT See Algorithm 4 of COMMENT ARG 0 A METHOD method_46413 affineTransform (Lorg/joml/Matrix4f;)Lorg/joml/Matrix4x3f; ARG 0 matrix METHOD method_46414 scale (Lorg/joml/Matrix4f;F)Lorg/joml/Matrix4f; ARG 0 matrix ARG 1 scalar METHOD method_46415 applyJacobiIteration (Lorg/joml/Matrix3f;)Lorg/joml/Quaternionf; ARG 0 S