CLASS net/minecraft/class_2804 net/minecraft/world/chunk/ChunkNibbleArray COMMENT A chunk nibble array is an array of nibbles for each block position in COMMENT a chunk. It is most often used to store light data. COMMENT COMMENT

A {@index nibble} is 4 bits, storing an integer from {@code 0} to COMMENT {@code 15}. It takes half the space of a byte. COMMENT COMMENT

The nibbles are stored in an X-Z-Y major order; in the backing array, COMMENT the indices increases by first increasing X, then Z, and finally Y. FIELD field_12783 bytes [B FIELD field_31403 BYTES_LENGTH I FIELD field_31404 COPY_BLOCK_SIZE I FIELD field_31405 NIBBLE_BITS I FIELD field_34052 COPY_TIMES I METHOD (I)V ARG 1 size METHOD ([B)V ARG 1 bytes METHOD method_12137 asByteArray ()[B METHOD method_12138 getArrayIndex (I)I ARG 0 i METHOD method_12139 get (III)I COMMENT {@return the integer value of a nibble, in {@code [0, 15]}} ARG 1 x ARG 2 y ARG 3 z METHOD method_12140 getIndex (III)I ARG 1 x ARG 2 y METHOD method_12141 get (I)I ARG 1 index METHOD method_12142 set (II)V ARG 1 index ARG 2 value METHOD method_12144 copy ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2804; METHOD method_12145 set (IIII)V COMMENT Sets the value of a nibble. COMMENT COMMENT

If the {@code value} has bits outside of the lowest 4 set to {@code 1}, COMMENT (value is outside of {@code [0, 15]}), the extraneous bits are discarded. ARG 1 x ARG 2 y ARG 3 z ARG 4 value METHOD method_12146 isUninitialized ()Z METHOD method_35320 bottomToString (I)Ljava/lang/String; COMMENT {@return a hexademical string representation of the {@code y=0} level of COMMENT this array} COMMENT COMMENT

It is useful for debugging the grid nibble array. ARG 1 unused COMMENT unused METHOD method_37459 occupiesSmallerBits (I)I COMMENT {@return if the nibble at {@code n} is stored in the less COMMENT significant (smaller) 4 bits of the byte in the backing array} ARG 0 i