CLASS net/minecraft/class_2514 net/minecraft/nbt/AbstractNbtNumber COMMENT Represents an NBT number. COMMENT

COMMENT The type {@linkplain net.fabricmc.yarn.constants.NbtTypeIds#NUMBER NbtTypeIds.NUMBER} can be used to COMMENT {@linkplain NbtCompound#contains check for the existence of any numeric element in a NBT compound object}. METHOD method_10696 shortValue ()S COMMENT Gets the value as a 16-bit integer. COMMENT COMMENT @return the value as a short METHOD method_10697 doubleValue ()D COMMENT Gets the value as a 64-bit floating-point number. COMMENT COMMENT @return the value as a double METHOD method_10698 byteValue ()B COMMENT Gets the value as an 8-bit integer. COMMENT COMMENT @return the value as a byte METHOD method_10699 longValue ()J COMMENT Gets the value as a 64-bit integer. COMMENT COMMENT @return the value as a long METHOD method_10700 floatValue ()F COMMENT Gets the value as a 32-bit floating-point number. COMMENT COMMENT @return the value as a float METHOD method_10701 intValue ()I COMMENT Gets the value as a 32-bit integer. COMMENT COMMENT @return the value as an int METHOD method_10702 numberValue ()Ljava/lang/Number; COMMENT Gets the value as a generic number. COMMENT COMMENT @return the value as a {@link Number}