CLASS net/minecraft/class_3509 net/minecraft/util/collection/TypeFilterableList COMMENT A collection allowing getting all elements of a specific type. Backed COMMENT by {@link java.util.ArrayList}s. COMMENT COMMENT

This implementation is not efficient for frequent modifications. You COMMENT shouldn't use this if you don't call {@link #getAllOfType(Class)}. COMMENT COMMENT @see #getAllOfType(Class) COMMENT @param the {@link #elementType common element type} FIELD field_15635 allElements Ljava/util/List; FIELD field_15636 elementsByType Ljava/util/Map; FIELD field_15637 elementType Ljava/lang/Class; METHOD (Ljava/lang/Class;)V ARG 1 elementType METHOD add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z ARG 1 e METHOD contains (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z COMMENT {@inheritDoc} COMMENT COMMENT @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code o} is not an instance of COMMENT {@link #elementType} ARG 1 o METHOD method_15216 getAllOfType (Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/util/Collection; COMMENT Returns all elements in this collection that are instances of {@code type}. COMMENT The result is unmodifiable. COMMENT COMMENT

The {@code type}, or {@code S}, must extend the class' type parameter {@code T}. COMMENT COMMENT @param the specialized type, effectively {@code S extends T} COMMENT @throws IllegalArgumentException when {@code type} does not extend COMMENT {@link #elementType} COMMENT @return this collection's elements that are instances of {@code type} ARG 1 type COMMENT the specialized type, must extend {@link #elementType} METHOD method_15217 (Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/util/List; ARG 1 typeClass METHOD remove (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z ARG 1 o