CLASS net/minecraft/class_2535 net/minecraft/network/ClientConnection COMMENT A connection backed by a netty channel. It can be one to a client on the COMMENT server or one to a server on a client. FIELD field_11639 NETWORK_PACKETS_MARKER Lorg/slf4j/Marker; FIELD field_11640 errored Z FIELD field_11641 NETWORK_MARKER Lorg/slf4j/Marker; FIELD field_11642 LOGGER Lorg/slf4j/Logger; FIELD field_11643 side Lnet/minecraft/class_2598; COMMENT The side this connection is to. FIELD field_11645 address Ljava/net/SocketAddress; FIELD field_11646 disconnected Z FIELD field_11647 encrypted Z FIELD field_11649 LOCAL_CLIENT_IO_GROUP Ljava/util/function/Supplier; FIELD field_11650 CLIENT_IO_GROUP Ljava/util/function/Supplier; FIELD field_11651 channel Lio/netty/channel/Channel; FIELD field_11652 packetListener Lnet/minecraft/class_2547; FIELD field_11653 averagePacketsSent F FIELD field_11654 averagePacketsReceived F FIELD field_11655 ticks I FIELD field_11656 packetsSentCounter I FIELD field_11657 EPOLL_CLIENT_IO_GROUP Ljava/util/function/Supplier; FIELD field_11658 packetsReceivedCounter I FIELD field_11660 disconnectReason Lnet/minecraft/class_2561; FIELD field_33280 CURRENT_PACKET_COUNTER_WEIGHT F COMMENT Represents when the average packet counter is updated, what percent of the COMMENT value of the average counter is set from the current counter. COMMENT COMMENT

The formula is {@link #averagePacketsSent averagePacketsSent} = {@value} COMMENT × {@link #packetsSentCounter packetsSentCounter} + (1 - {@value}) × COMMENT {@code averagePacketsSent}. FIELD field_36379 PACKET_RECEIVED_MARKER Lorg/slf4j/Marker; FIELD field_36380 PACKET_SENT_MARKER Lorg/slf4j/Marker; FIELD field_44972 pendingDisconnectionReason Lnet/minecraft/class_2561; METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_2598;)V ARG 1 side METHOD channelActive (Lio/netty/channel/ChannelHandlerContext;)V ARG 1 context METHOD channelInactive (Lio/netty/channel/ChannelHandlerContext;)V ARG 1 context METHOD channelRead0 (Lio/netty/channel/ChannelHandlerContext;Ljava/lang/Object;)V ARG 1 context ARG 2 packet METHOD exceptionCaught (Lio/netty/channel/ChannelHandlerContext;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V ARG 1 context ARG 2 ex METHOD method_10743 send (Lnet/minecraft/class_2596;)V ARG 1 packet METHOD method_10744 getPacketListener ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2547; METHOD method_10745 getAveragePacketsSent ()F METHOD method_10746 setupEncryption (Ljavax/crypto/Cipher;Ljavax/crypto/Cipher;)V ARG 1 decryptionCipher ARG 2 encryptionCipher METHOD method_10747 disconnect (Lnet/minecraft/class_2561;)V ARG 1 disconnectReason METHOD method_10748 getDisconnectReason ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2561; METHOD method_10751 sendQueuedPackets ()V METHOD method_10752 send (Lnet/minecraft/class_2596;Lnet/minecraft/class_7648;)V ARG 1 packet ARG 2 callbacks METHOD method_10753 connect (Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;Z)Lnet/minecraft/class_2535; ARG 0 address ARG 1 useEpoll METHOD method_10754 tick ()V METHOD method_10755 getAddress ()Ljava/net/SocketAddress; METHOD method_10756 isLocal ()Z METHOD method_10757 disableAutoRead ()V METHOD method_10758 isOpen ()Z METHOD method_10759 handlePacket (Lnet/minecraft/class_2596;Lnet/minecraft/class_2547;)V ARG 0 packet ARG 1 listener METHOD method_10760 setCompressionThreshold (IZ)V COMMENT Sets the compression threshold of this connection. COMMENT COMMENT

Packets over the threshold in size will be written as a {@code 0} COMMENT byte followed by contents, while compressed ones will be written as COMMENT a var int for the decompressed size followed by the compressed contents. COMMENT COMMENT

The connections on the two sides must have the same compression COMMENT threshold, or compression errors may result. ARG 1 compressionThreshold COMMENT the compression threshold, in number of bytes ARG 2 rejectsBadPackets COMMENT whether this connection may abort if a compressed packet with a bad size is received METHOD method_10762 getAveragePacketsReceived ()F METHOD method_10763 setPacketListener (Lnet/minecraft/class_2547;)V COMMENT Sets the packet listener that will handle oncoming packets, including COMMENT ones that are not yet handled by the current packet listener. COMMENT COMMENT @apiNote This may be called from the {@linkplain #packetListener} stored COMMENT in this connection. METHOD method_10764 sendImmediately (Lnet/minecraft/class_2596;Lnet/minecraft/class_7648;Z)V ARG 2 callbacks METHOD method_10768 handleDisconnection ()V METHOD method_10769 connectLocal (Ljava/net/SocketAddress;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2535; ARG 0 address METHOD method_10771 isEncrypted ()Z METHOD method_10772 isChannelAbsent ()Z METHOD method_30615 updateStats ()V METHOD method_36121 getSide ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2598; COMMENT Returns the side of this connection, or the direction of the packets received COMMENT by this connection. METHOD method_36122 getOppositeSide ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2598; COMMENT Returns the opposite side of this connection, or the direction of the packets COMMENT sent by this connection. METHOD method_36942 sendInternal (Lnet/minecraft/class_2596;Lnet/minecraft/class_7648;Z)V ARG 1 packet ARG 2 callbacks METHOD method_40062 (Lorg/slf4j/Marker;)V ARG 0 marker METHOD method_40063 (Lorg/slf4j/Marker;)V ARG 0 marker METHOD method_40064 (Lorg/slf4j/Marker;)V ARG 0 marker METHOD method_45082 (Lnet/minecraft/class_7648;Lio/netty/util/concurrent/Future;)V ARG 2 future METHOD method_48311 addHandlers (Lio/netty/channel/ChannelPipeline;Lnet/minecraft/class_2598;)V ARG 0 pipeline ARG 1 side METHOD method_52271 connect (Ljava/net/InetSocketAddress;ZLnet/minecraft/class_2535;)Lio/netty/channel/ChannelFuture; ARG 0 address ARG 1 useEpoll ARG 2 connection METHOD method_52909 getAddressAsString (Z)Ljava/lang/String; ARG 1 logIps CLASS 1 METHOD initChannel (Lio/netty/channel/Channel;)V ARG 1 channel CLASS 2 METHOD initChannel (Lio/netty/channel/Channel;)V ARG 1 channel