CLASS net/minecraft/class_7428 net/minecraft/network/encryption/PlayerPublicKey COMMENT An RSA public key for a player, signed by the Mojang's server. COMMENT COMMENT

Users cannot generate the keys themselves; this must be provided from Mojang's COMMENT authentication server. COMMENT COMMENT @see net.minecraft.client.util.ProfileKeys COMMENT @see PlayerKeyPair FIELD field_39050 CODEC Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec; FIELD field_39051 PUBLIC_KEY Ljava/lang/String; METHOD method_43550 verifyAndDecode (Lcom/mojang/authlib/minecraft/MinecraftSessionService;Lnet/minecraft/class_7428$class_7443;)Lnet/minecraft/class_7428; COMMENT Verifies the public key and decodes it. COMMENT COMMENT

The checks whether the public key is present, signed with the Mojang's private key, COMMENT and not expired. COMMENT COMMENT @throws InsecurePublicKeyException.MissingException when the key is missing or empty COMMENT @throws InsecurePublicKeyException.InvalidException when the key is unsigned or expired COMMENT @throws NetworkEncryptionException when the key is malformed