CLASS net/minecraft/class_7638 net/minecraft/network/message/AcknowledgmentValidator COMMENT A class that validates the clients' message acknowledgment. COMMENT COMMENT

When clients receive or send messages, they send "acknowledgments" to the server, COMMENT containing messages they've last seen or received. If there are too many messages COMMENT waiting for message acknowledgments (more than {@value COMMENT}), COMMENT or if the acknowledgment is incorrect, the client will be disconnected. FIELD field_39888 UNKNOWN I FIELD field_39889 prevValidated Lnet/minecraft/class_7635; FIELD field_39890 pending Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/objects/ObjectList; METHOD method_44987 getPendingCount ()I METHOD method_44988 order (Ljava/util/List;[ILnet/minecraft/class_7635$class_7609;)I COMMENT Orders {@code lastSeen}. {@code result} should be an array with the same size COMMENT as {@code lastSeen}, and it will hold the order of each entry, where a larger COMMENT integer corresponds to more recent message. If the integer is {@value #UNKNOWN}, COMMENT then the message is unknown (neither previously acknowledged nor is newly sent), COMMENT which causes validation failure. COMMENT COMMENT @return the order of the last received message; if any messages have higher order COMMENT than this, it is a validation failure. ARG 1 lastSeen ARG 2 result ARG 3 lastReceived METHOD method_44989 addPending (Lnet/minecraft/class_7635$class_7609;)V ARG 1 entry METHOD method_44990 validate (Lnet/minecraft/class_7635$class_7636;)Ljava/util/Set; COMMENT Validates {@code acknowledgment}. COMMENT COMMENT @return reasons for acknowledgment validation failure, or an empty set if COMMENT validation is successful ARG 1 acknowledgment METHOD method_44991 hasDuplicateProfiles (Lnet/minecraft/class_7635;)Z COMMENT {@return whether {@code messages} have multiple entries with the same profile ID} COMMENT COMMENT

If {@code true}, validation fails. ARG 1 messages CLASS class_7639 FailureReason FIELD field_39895 description Ljava/lang/String; METHOD (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V ARG 3 description METHOD method_44992 getDescription ()Ljava/lang/String;