CLASS net/minecraft/class_2583 net/minecraft/text/Style COMMENT The style of a {@link Text}, representing cosmetic attributes. It includes COMMENT font, formatting, click/hover events (actions), color, etc. COMMENT COMMENT

A style is immutable. COMMENT COMMENT @see Text FIELD field_11851 underlined Ljava/lang/Boolean; FIELD field_11852 italic Ljava/lang/Boolean; FIELD field_11853 clickEvent Lnet/minecraft/class_2558; FIELD field_11855 color Lnet/minecraft/class_5251; FIELD field_11856 bold Ljava/lang/Boolean; FIELD field_11857 strikethrough Ljava/lang/Boolean; FIELD field_11858 hoverEvent Lnet/minecraft/class_2568; FIELD field_11859 insertion Ljava/lang/String; FIELD field_11861 obfuscated Ljava/lang/Boolean; FIELD field_24359 DEFAULT_FONT_ID Lnet/minecraft/class_2960; COMMENT The identifier for the default font of a style. FIELD field_24360 EMPTY Lnet/minecraft/class_2583; COMMENT An empty style. FIELD field_24361 font Lnet/minecraft/class_2960; METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_5251;Ljava/lang/Boolean;Ljava/lang/Boolean;Ljava/lang/Boolean;Ljava/lang/Boolean;Ljava/lang/Boolean;Lnet/minecraft/class_2558;Lnet/minecraft/class_2568;Ljava/lang/String;Lnet/minecraft/class_2960;)V ARG 1 color ARG 2 bold ARG 3 italic ARG 4 underlined ARG 5 strikethrough ARG 6 obfuscated ARG 7 clickEvent ARG 8 hoverEvent ARG 9 insertion ARG 10 font METHOD equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z ARG 1 obj METHOD method_10949 withHoverEvent (Lnet/minecraft/class_2568;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2583; COMMENT Returns a new style with the hover event provided and all other COMMENT attributes of this style. ARG 1 hoverEvent COMMENT the new hover event METHOD method_10955 getInsertion ()Ljava/lang/String; COMMENT Returns the insertion text of the style. COMMENT COMMENT

An insertion is inserted when a piece of text clicked while shift key COMMENT is down in the chat HUD. METHOD method_10958 withClickEvent (Lnet/minecraft/class_2558;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2583; COMMENT Returns a new style with the click event provided and all other COMMENT attributes of this style. ARG 1 clickEvent COMMENT the new click event METHOD method_10965 isUnderlined ()Z COMMENT Returns whether the style has underline formatting. COMMENT COMMENT @see Formatting#UNDERLINE METHOD method_10966 isItalic ()Z COMMENT Returns whether the style has italic formatting. COMMENT COMMENT @see Formatting#ITALIC METHOD method_10967 isEmpty ()Z COMMENT Returns if this is the empty style. COMMENT COMMENT @see #EMPTY METHOD method_10969 getHoverEvent ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2568; COMMENT Returns the hover event of this style. METHOD method_10970 getClickEvent ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2558; COMMENT Returns the click event of this style. METHOD method_10973 getColor ()Lnet/minecraft/class_5251; COMMENT Returns the color of this style. METHOD method_10975 withInsertion (Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2583; COMMENT Returns a new style with the insertion provided and all other COMMENT attributes of this style. ARG 1 insertion COMMENT the new insertion string METHOD method_10977 withColor (Lnet/minecraft/class_124;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2583; COMMENT Returns a new style with the color provided and all other attributes of COMMENT this style. ARG 1 color COMMENT the new color METHOD method_10978 withItalic (Ljava/lang/Boolean;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2583; COMMENT Returns a new style with the italic attribute provided and all other COMMENT attributes of this style. ARG 1 italic COMMENT the new italic property METHOD method_10982 withBold (Ljava/lang/Boolean;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2583; COMMENT Returns a new style with the bold attribute provided and all other COMMENT attributes of this style. ARG 1 bold COMMENT the new bold property METHOD method_10984 isBold ()Z COMMENT Returns whether the style has bold formatting. COMMENT COMMENT @see Formatting#BOLD METHOD method_10986 isStrikethrough ()Z COMMENT Returns whether the style has strikethrough formatting. COMMENT COMMENT @see Formatting#STRIKETHROUGH METHOD method_10987 isObfuscated ()Z COMMENT Returns whether the style has obfuscated formatting. COMMENT COMMENT @see Formatting#OBFUSCATED METHOD method_27702 withParent (Lnet/minecraft/class_2583;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2583; COMMENT Returns a new style with the undefined attributes of this style filled COMMENT by the {@code parent} style. ARG 1 parent COMMENT the parent style METHOD method_27703 withColor (Lnet/minecraft/class_5251;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2583; COMMENT Returns a new style with the color provided and all other attributes of COMMENT this style. ARG 1 color COMMENT the new color METHOD method_27704 withFont (Lnet/minecraft/class_2960;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2583; COMMENT Returns a new style with the font provided and all other COMMENT attributes of this style. ARG 1 font COMMENT the new font METHOD method_27705 withFormatting ([Lnet/minecraft/class_124;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2583; COMMENT Returns a new style with the formattings provided and all other COMMENT attributes of this style. ARG 1 formattings COMMENT an array of new formattings METHOD method_27706 withFormatting (Lnet/minecraft/class_124;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2583; COMMENT Returns a new style with the formatting provided and all other COMMENT attributes of this style. ARG 1 formatting COMMENT the new formatting METHOD method_27707 withExclusiveFormatting (Lnet/minecraft/class_124;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2583; COMMENT Returns a new style with the formatting provided and some applicable COMMENT attributes of this style. COMMENT COMMENT

When a color formatting is passed for {@code formatting}, the other COMMENT formattings, including bold, italic, strikethrough, underlined, and COMMENT obfuscated, are all removed. ARG 1 formatting COMMENT the new formatting METHOD method_27708 getFont ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2960; COMMENT Returns the font of this style. METHOD method_30938 withUnderline (Ljava/lang/Boolean;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2583; COMMENT Returns a new style with the underline attribute provided and all other COMMENT attributes of this style. ARG 1 underline METHOD method_36139 withColor (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_2583; ARG 1 rgbColor METHOD method_36140 withStrikethrough (Ljava/lang/Boolean;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2583; ARG 1 strikethrough METHOD method_36141 obfuscated (Ljava/lang/Boolean;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2583; ARG 1 obfuscated CLASS class_2584 Serializer COMMENT A JSON serializer for {@link Style}. METHOD deserialize (Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonDeserializationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object; ARG 1 json ARG 2 type ARG 3 context METHOD method_27710 getFont (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2960; ARG 0 root METHOD method_27711 parseNullableBoolean (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Boolean; ARG 0 root ARG 1 key METHOD method_27712 getHoverEvent (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2568; ARG 0 root METHOD method_27713 getClickEvent (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2558; ARG 0 root METHOD method_27714 parseInsertion (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Ljava/lang/String; ARG 0 root METHOD method_27715 parseColor (Lcom/google/gson/JsonObject;)Lnet/minecraft/class_5251; ARG 0 root METHOD serialize (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/reflect/Type;Lcom/google/gson/JsonSerializationContext;)Lcom/google/gson/JsonElement; ARG 1 style ARG 2 type ARG 3 context