CLASS ahv net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity FIELD aN headYaw F FIELD aO prevHeadYaw F FIELD aR playerHitTimer I FIELD aS dead Z FIELD aT despawnCounter I FIELD aq LIVING_FLAGS Lpx; FIELD ar SLEEPING_SIZE Lahn; FIELD at preferredHand Lagg; FIELD av stuckArrowTimer I FIELD aw hurtTime I FIELD az deathCounter I FIELD bA attacker Lahv; FIELD bB lastAttackedTime I FIELD bC attacking Lahv; FIELD bD lastAttackTime I FIELD bE movementSpeed F FIELD bG absorptionAmount F FIELD b LOGGER_LIVING Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; FIELD bc movementInputSideways F FIELD bd movementInputUp F FIELD be movementInputForward F FIELD bo activeItemStack Laxx; FIELD bs STUCK_ARROWS Lpx; FIELD bt SLEEPING_POSITION Lpx; FIELD bu attributeContainer Laio; FIELD bv damageTracker Lagu; FIELD bw activePotionEffects Ljava/util/Map; FIELD bx equippedHand Lff; FIELD by equippedArmor Lff; FIELD c ATTR_SPRINTING_SPEED_BOOST_ID Ljava/util/UUID; FIELD d ATTR_SPRINTING_SPEED_BOOST Laim; FIELD e HEALTH Lpx; FIELD f POTION_SWIRLS_COLOR Lpx; FIELD g POTION_SWIRLS_AMBIENT Lpx; METHOD (Lahq;Lbdf;)V ARG 1 type METHOD C updatePotionVisibility ()V METHOD C attack (Lahm;)Z METHOD D pushAway (Lahm;)V METHOD E canSee (Lahm;)Z METHOD a swingHand (Lagg;)V METHOD a setStackInHand (Lagg;Laxx;)V ARG 1 hand METHOD a onDeath (Lagv;)V METHOD a dropEquipment (Lagv;IZ)V METHOD a hasPotionEffect (Lahe;)Z METHOD a pickUpEntity (Lahm;I)V ARG 2 count METHOD a isEquippedStackValid (Lahr;)Z METHOD a setAttacker (Lahv;)V METHOD a getAttributeInstance (Laik;)Lail; METHOD a_ doJump (Z)V METHOD b heal (F)V METHOD b getStackInHand (Lagg;)Laxx; METHOD b getPotionEffect (Lahe;)Lahg; METHOD b getEquippedStack (Lahr;)Laxx; METHOD b getActiveEyeHeight (Laif;Lahn;)F METHOD b onEquipStack (Laxx;)V METHOD c setHealth (F)V METHOD c setCurrentHand (Lagg;)V METHOD c removePotionEffect (Lahe;)Lahg; METHOD c addPotionEffect (Lahg;)Z METHOD c containsOnlyAmbientEffects (Ljava/util/Collection;)Z ARG 0 effects METHOD cA getDeathSound ()Lxy; METHOD cD getDamageTracker ()Lagu; METHOD cF getHealthMaximum ()F METHOD cG getStuckArrows ()I METHOD cI getAttributeContainer ()Laio; METHOD cJ getGroup ()Lahz; METHOD cK getMainHandStack ()Laxx; METHOD cL getOffHandStack ()Laxx; METHOD cN getSoundVolume ()F METHOD cO getSoundPitch ()F METHOD cQ getJumpVelocity ()F METHOD cR jump ()V METHOD cU getMovementSpeed ()F METHOD cW doPushLogic ()V METHOD cX isUsingRiptide ()Z METHOD cZ getAbsorptionAmount ()F METHOD ce initAttributes ()V METHOD cf canBreatheInWater ()Z METHOD ch updatePostDeath ()V METHOD ci canDropLootAndXp ()Z METHOD ck getRand ()Ljava/util/Random; METHOD cl getAttacker ()Lahv; METHOD cm getLastAttackedTime ()I METHOD cn getAttacking ()Lahv; METHOD co getLastAttackTime ()I METHOD cp getDespawnCounter ()I METHOD cr clearPotionSwirls ()V METHOD cs clearPotionEffects ()Z METHOD ct getPotionEffects ()Ljava/util/Collection; METHOD cv isUndead ()Z METHOD cw getHealth ()F METHOD cy dropInventory ()V METHOD d (FF)F ARG 1 yaw METHOD d applyDamage (Lagv;F)V ARG 1 damageSource METHOD d removeStatusEffect (Lahe;)Z METHOD d isPotionEffective (Lahg;)Z METHOD d getCurrentExperience (Larz;)I METHOD db getMainHand ()Lahu; METHOD dc isUsingItem ()Z METHOD dd getActiveHand ()Lagg; METHOD df getActiveItem ()Laxx; METHOD dl isFallFlying ()Z METHOD dp getSleepingPosition ()Ljava/util/Optional; METHOD dq clearSleepingPosition ()V METHOD dr isSleeping ()Z METHOD ds wakeUp ()V METHOD e getHurtSound (Lagv;)Lxy; METHOD e canPickUp (Laxx;)Z METHOD e travel (Lcnl;)V ARG 1 movementInput METHOD f attackLivingEntity (Lahv;)V METHOD f setSleepingPosition (Les;)V METHOD g sleep (Les;)V METHOD k updateMovement ()V METHOD m damageShield (F)V METHOD m setDespawnCounter (I)V METHOD n initAi ()V METHOD n setMovementSpeed (F)V ARG 1 movementSpeed METHOD n getFallSound (I)Lxy; METHOD o setStuckArrows (I)V METHOD p isSleepingInBed ()Z METHOD p setAbsorptionAmount (F)V METHOD v_ isChild ()Z METHOD w_ canClimb ()Z METHOD z onAttacking (Lahm;)V