CLASS net/minecraft/class_8662 net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/TextIconButtonWidget COMMENT A button with an icon and an optional text. COMMENT COMMENT @see ButtonWidget FIELD field_45379 texture Lnet/minecraft/class_2960; FIELD field_45380 textureWidth I FIELD field_45381 textureHeight I METHOD (IILnet/minecraft/class_2561;IILnet/minecraft/class_2960;Lnet/minecraft/class_4185$class_4241;)V ARG 1 width ARG 2 height ARG 3 message ARG 4 textureWidth ARG 5 textureHeight ARG 6 texture ARG 7 onPress METHOD method_52723 builder (Lnet/minecraft/class_2561;Lnet/minecraft/class_4185$class_4241;Z)Lnet/minecraft/class_8662$class_8663; ARG 0 text ARG 1 onPress ARG 2 hideLabel CLASS class_8663 Builder FIELD field_45382 text Lnet/minecraft/class_2561; FIELD field_45383 onPress Lnet/minecraft/class_4185$class_4241; FIELD field_45384 hideText Z FIELD field_45385 width I FIELD field_45386 height I FIELD field_45387 texture Lnet/minecraft/class_2960; FIELD field_45388 textureWidth I FIELD field_45389 textureHeight I METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_2561;Lnet/minecraft/class_4185$class_4241;Z)V ARG 1 text ARG 2 onPress ARG 3 hideText METHOD method_52724 build ()Lnet/minecraft/class_8662; METHOD method_52725 width (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_8662$class_8663; ARG 1 width METHOD method_52726 dimension (II)Lnet/minecraft/class_8662$class_8663; ARG 1 width ARG 2 height METHOD method_52727 texture (Lnet/minecraft/class_2960;II)Lnet/minecraft/class_8662$class_8663; ARG 1 texture ARG 2 width ARG 3 height CLASS class_8664 IconOnly CLASS class_8665 WithText