CLASS net/minecraft/class_2379 net/minecraft/util/math/EulerAngle FIELD field_11163 roll F FIELD field_11164 yaw F FIELD field_11165 pitch F FIELD field_48452 PACKET_CODEC Lnet/minecraft/class_9139; METHOD (FFF)V ARG 1 pitch ARG 2 yaw ARG 3 roll METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_2499;)V ARG 1 serialized METHOD equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z ARG 1 o METHOD method_10255 toNbt ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2499; METHOD method_10256 getPitch ()F METHOD method_10257 getYaw ()F METHOD method_10258 getRoll ()F METHOD method_35845 getWrappedPitch ()F COMMENT Returns the pitch that is wrapped to the interval {@code [-180, 180)}. METHOD method_35846 getWrappedYaw ()F COMMENT Returns the yaw that is wrapped to the interval {@code [-180, 180)}. METHOD method_35847 getWrappedRoll ()F COMMENT Returns the roll that is wrapped to the interval {@code [-180, 180)}.