CLASS net/minecraft/class_124 net/minecraft/util/Formatting COMMENT An enum holding formattings. COMMENT COMMENT

There are two types of formattings, color and modifier. Color formattings COMMENT are associated with a specific color, while modifier formattings modify the COMMENT style, such as by bolding the text. {@link #RESET} is a special formatting COMMENT and is not classified as either of these two. FIELD field_1052 BY_NAME Ljava/util/Map; FIELD field_1053 colorValue Ljava/lang/Integer; FIELD field_1057 name Ljava/lang/String; FIELD field_1059 code C FIELD field_1066 FORMATTING_CODE_PATTERN Ljava/util/regex/Pattern; FIELD field_1069 stringValue Ljava/lang/String; FIELD field_1071 colorIndex I FIELD field_1081 modifier Z FIELD field_33292 FORMATTING_CODE_PREFIX C METHOD (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;CILjava/lang/Integer;)V ARG 3 name ARG 4 code ARG 5 colorIndex ARG 6 colorValue METHOD (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;CZ)V ARG 3 name ARG 4 code ARG 5 modifier METHOD (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;CZILjava/lang/Integer;)V ARG 3 name ARG 4 code ARG 5 modifier ARG 6 colorIndex ARG 7 colorValue METHOD method_36145 getCode ()C COMMENT {@return the code to be placed after the {@value FORMATTING_CODE_PREFIX} when this format is converted to a string} METHOD method_531 (Lnet/minecraft/class_124;)Ljava/lang/String; ARG 0 f METHOD method_532 getColorValue ()Ljava/lang/Integer; COMMENT {@return the color of the formatted text, or {@code null} if the formatting COMMENT has no associated color} METHOD method_533 byName (Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/minecraft/class_124; COMMENT {@return the formatting with the name {@code name}, or {@code null} if there is none} ARG 0 name METHOD method_534 byColorIndex (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_124; COMMENT {@return the formatting with the color index {@code colorIndex}, COMMENT or {@code null} if there is none} ARG 0 colorIndex METHOD method_535 sanitize (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; ARG 0 name METHOD method_536 getColorIndex ()I COMMENT {@return the color index for the formatting, or {@code -1} to indicate no color} COMMENT COMMENT @apiNote This is also used to calculate scoreboard team display slot IDs. METHOD method_537 getName ()Ljava/lang/String; COMMENT {@return the name of the formatting} METHOD method_539 strip (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; COMMENT {@return the {@code text} with all formatting codes removed} COMMENT COMMENT @see StringHelper#stripTextFormat ARG 0 string METHOD method_540 getNames (ZZ)Ljava/util/Collection; COMMENT {@return the list of formattings matching the given condition} ARG 0 colors COMMENT whether or not to include color formattings ARG 1 modifiers COMMENT whether or not to include modifier formattings METHOD method_541 (Lnet/minecraft/class_124;)Lnet/minecraft/class_124; ARG 0 f METHOD method_542 isModifier ()Z COMMENT {@return true if the formatting is a modifier, false otherwise} METHOD method_543 isColor ()Z COMMENT {@return true if the formatting is associated with a color, false otherwise} METHOD method_544 byCode (C)Lnet/minecraft/class_124; COMMENT {@return the formatting with the code {@code code}, or {@code null} if there is none} ARG 0 code