name: Update Base Branch # Run every 20 mins or manually on: schedule: - cron: '*/20 * * * *' workflow_dispatch: jobs: update: runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 steps: - uses: actions/github-script@v3 with: github-token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}} script: | const updateLabel = 'update-base'; const owner = context.repo.owner; const repo = context.repo.repo; const response = await github.repos.get({ owner, repo }) const base = async function updateBase(pull) { const pull_number = issue_number = pull.number; if (pull.base.ref == base) { await github.issues.createComment({ owner, repo, issue_number, body: '🚨 Target branch is already set to ' + base }); await github.issues.removeLabel({ owner, repo, issue_number, name: updateLabel }); return; } // Update target PR branch await github.pulls.update({ owner, repo, pull_number, base }); // Updates the pull request with the latest upstream changes. await github.pulls.updateBranch({ owner, repo, pull_number, }); await github.issues.createComment({ owner, repo, issue_number, body: '🚀 Target branch has been updated to ' + base }); await github.issues.removeLabel({ owner, repo, issue_number, name: updateLabel }); } // Query all of the open pull requests const pulls = await github.pulls.list({ owner, repo, state: 'open' }); // Loop all of the pull requests, finding any with the target label. for (const pull of { const requiresUpdate = pull.labels.some((label) => === updateLabel); if (requiresUpdate) { await updateBase(pull); } }