CLASS net/minecraft/class_7555 net/minecraft/client/report/log/ChatLog COMMENT A chat log holds received message entries with sequential indices, where COMMENT newer entries receive bigger indices. An implementation using fixed-size array COMMENT is available at {@link ChatLogImpl}. COMMENT COMMENT

There are two types of entries. {@link HeaderEntry} is an entry containing only COMMENT the message's header, and is used for censored messages. {@link ReceivedMessage} COMMENT is an entry for full chat or game messages. METHOD method_44532 get (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_7629; COMMENT {@return the entry with index {@code index}, or {@code null} if there is no COMMENT such entry in the log} ARG 1 index METHOD method_44535 add (Lnet/minecraft/class_7629;)V COMMENT Adds {@code entry} to the log. ARG 1 entry