CLASS net/minecraft/class_6075 net/minecraft/entity/player/HungerConstants COMMENT Some constants on hunger values. COMMENT COMMENT @see HungerManager FIELD field_30704 FULL_FOOD_LEVEL I COMMENT The maximum food level ({@value}) allowed in a hunger manager. FIELD field_30706 INITIAL_SATURATION_LEVEL F COMMENT The initial saturation level ({@value}) for a newly created hunger manager. FIELD field_30708 EXHAUSTION_UNIT F COMMENT A value {@value} that when the exhaustion reaches, the exhaustion minuses itself COMMENT by to reduce the saturation or food level. FIELD field_30709 SLOW_HEALING_STARVING_INTERVAL I COMMENT When the food tick is a multiple of {@value}, the hunger manager may perform COMMENT slow healing or starving logic. FIELD field_30710 FAST_HEALING_INTERVAL I COMMENT When the food tick is a multiple of {@value}, the hunger manager may perform COMMENT fast healing logic. FIELD field_30711 SLOW_HEALING_FOOD_LEVEL I COMMENT The minimum food level ({@value}) required for the slow-healing mechanism. FIELD field_30712 EXHAUSTION_PER_HITPOINT I COMMENT The exhaustion from healing each hitpoint ({@value}), used for both fast and COMMENT slow healing mechanisms. FIELD field_30713 STARVING_FOOD_LEVEL I COMMENT The maximum food level ({@value}) permitted for the starving mechanism to run. METHOD method_59683 calculateSaturation (IF)F ARG 0 nutrition ARG 1 saturationModifier