CLASS net/minecraft/class_1628 net/minecraft/entity/mob/SpiderEntity FIELD field_7403 SPIDER_FLAGS Lnet/minecraft/class_2940; COMMENT The tracked flags of spiders. Only has the {@code 1} bit for {@linkplain COMMENT #isClimbingWall() wall climbing}. METHOD method_26923 createSpiderAttributes ()Lnet/minecraft/class_5132$class_5133; METHOD method_7166 setClimbingWall (Z)V ARG 1 climbing METHOD method_7167 isClimbingWall ()Z CLASS class_1629 AttackGoal METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_1628;)V ARG 1 spider CLASS class_1630 SpiderData FIELD field_7404 effect Lnet/minecraft/class_1291; METHOD method_7168 setEffect (Lnet/minecraft/class_5819;)V ARG 1 random CLASS class_1631 TargetGoal METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_1628;Ljava/lang/Class;)V ARG 1 spider ARG 2 targetEntityClass