CLASS net/minecraft/class_7644 net/minecraft/command/argument/DecoratableArgumentList COMMENT A list of parsed {@linkplain DecoratableArgumentType decoratable arguments}. COMMENT COMMENT @see #of METHOD method_45043 of (Lcom/mojang/brigadier/ParseResults;)Lnet/minecraft/class_7644; COMMENT {@return a new instance of this list from {@code parseResults}} ARG 0 parseResults METHOD method_45044 collectDecoratableArguments (Lcom/mojang/brigadier/context/CommandContextBuilder;)Ljava/util/List; ARG 0 contextBuilder METHOD method_45045 contains (Lcom/mojang/brigadier/tree/CommandNode;)Z COMMENT {@return whether {@code node} is in this list of parsed decorated arguments} ARG 1 node CLASS class_7645 ParsedArgument COMMENT A parsed decoratable argument, also used as the entry of {@link DecoratableArgumentList}. FIELD comp_977 argumentType Lnet/minecraft/class_7517; METHOD comp_977 argumentType ()Lnet/minecraft/class_7517; METHOD method_45046 getNodeName ()Ljava/lang/String;