CLASS bpl net/minecraft/block/entity/HopperBlockEntity FIELD i inventory Lfh; FIELD j transferCooldown I FIELD k lastTickTime J METHOD a transfer (Lafx;Lafx;Laxm;ILey;)Laxm; ARG 0 from ARG 1 to ARG 2 stack ARG 3 slot METHOD a transfer (Lafx;Lafx;Laxm;Ley;)Laxm; ARG 0 from ARG 1 to ARG 2 stack ARG 3 side METHOD a extract (Lafx;Lapm;)Z ARG 0 inventory ARG 1 itemEntity METHOD a canInsert (Lafx;Laxm;ILey;)Z ARG 0 inventory ARG 1 stack ARG 2 slot ARG 3 side METHOD a getAvailableSlots (Lafx;Ley;)Ljava/util/stream/IntStream; ARG 0 inventory ARG 1 side METHOD a onEntityCollided (Lahi;)V METHOD a canMergeItems (Laxm;Laxm;)Z ARG 0 first ARG 1 second METHOD a getInventoryAt (Lbcu;DDD)Lafx; ARG 0 world ARG 1 x ARG 3 y ARG 5 z METHOD a getInventoryAt (Lbcu;Let;)Lafx; METHOD a extract (Lbpk;)Z ARG 0 hopper METHOD a extract (Lbpk;Lafx;ILey;)Z ARG 0 hopper ARG 1 inventory ARG 2 slot ARG 3 side METHOD a insertAndExtract (Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)Z ARG 1 extractMethod METHOD b canExtract (Lafx;Laxm;ILey;)Z ARG 0 inv ARG 1 stack ARG 2 slot ARG 3 facing METHOD b isInventoryFull (Lafx;Ley;)Z ARG 1 inv METHOD b getInputInventory (Lbpk;)Lafx; ARG 0 hopper METHOD c setCooldown (I)V ARG 1 cooldown METHOD c isInventoryEmpty (Lafx;Ley;)Z ARG 0 inv ARG 1 facing METHOD c getInputItemEntities (Lbpk;)Ljava/util/List; METHOD h isEmpty ()Z METHOD s isFull ()Z METHOD t insert ()Z METHOD u getOutputInventory ()Lafx; METHOD v needsCooldown ()Z METHOD w isDisabled ()Z