CLASS net/minecraft/class_2784 net/minecraft/world/border/WorldBorder FIELD field_12730 listeners Ljava/util/List; FIELD field_12731 safeZone D FIELD field_12732 maxRadius I FIELD field_12733 damagePerBlock D FIELD field_12734 warningBlocks I FIELD field_12735 warningTime I FIELD field_12736 area Lnet/minecraft/class_2784$class_2785; FIELD field_12737 centerZ D FIELD field_12738 centerX D FIELD field_24122 DEFAULT_BORDER Lnet/minecraft/class_2784$class_5200; METHOD method_11951 contains (Lnet/minecraft/class_1923;)Z ARG 1 pos METHOD method_11952 contains (Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;)Z ARG 1 pos METHOD method_11953 getDamagePerBlock ()D COMMENT Returns the damage increase per block beyond this border, in hearts. COMMENT

Once an entity goes beyond the border and the safe zone, damage will be COMMENT applied depending on the distance traveled multiplied by this damage increase. COMMENT COMMENT

The default value is 0.2. COMMENT COMMENT @see net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity#baseTick() METHOD method_11954 getSizeLerpTarget ()D METHOD method_11955 setDamagePerBlock (D)V COMMENT Sets the damage per block of this border and notifies all listeners. ARG 1 damagePerBlock METHOD method_11956 getWarningTime ()I COMMENT Returns the warning time of this border, in ticks. COMMENT

Once a player goes beyond the border, this is the time before a message COMMENT is displayed to them. COMMENT COMMENT

The default value is 15. METHOD method_11957 interpolateSize (DDJ)V ARG 1 fromSize ARG 3 toSize ARG 5 time METHOD method_11958 getBoundNorth ()D METHOD method_11959 getMaxRadius ()I COMMENT Returns the maximum radius of this border, in blocks. COMMENT COMMENT

The default value is 29999984. METHOD method_11961 getDistanceInsideBorder (DD)D ARG 1 x ARG 3 z METHOD method_11962 getSizeLerpTime ()J METHOD method_11963 getBoundEast ()D METHOD method_11964 getCenterX ()D METHOD method_11965 getSize ()D METHOD method_11966 contains (Lnet/minecraft/class_238;)Z ARG 1 box METHOD method_11967 setWarningBlocks (I)V COMMENT Sets the warning blocks of this border and notifies all listeners. ARG 1 warningBlocks METHOD method_11968 getStage ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2789; METHOD method_11969 setSize (D)V COMMENT Sets the area of this border to a static area with the given {@code size}, COMMENT and notifies all listeners. ARG 1 size METHOD method_11970 getListeners ()Ljava/util/List; METHOD method_11971 getSafeZone ()D COMMENT Returns the safe zone of this border. COMMENT COMMENT

The default value is 5.0. METHOD method_11972 getWarningBlocks ()I COMMENT Returns the warning distance of this border, in blocks. COMMENT

When an entity approaches the border, this is the distance from which COMMENT a warning will be displayed. COMMENT COMMENT

The default value is 5. METHOD method_11973 setMaxRadius (I)V COMMENT Sets the maximum radius of this border and notifies its area. ARG 1 maxRadius METHOD method_11974 getShrinkingSpeed ()D METHOD method_11975 setWarningTime (I)V COMMENT Sets the warning time of this border and notifies all listeners. ARG 1 warningTime METHOD method_11976 getBoundWest ()D METHOD method_11977 getBoundSouth ()D METHOD method_11978 setCenter (DD)V COMMENT Sets the {@code x} and {@code z} coordinates of the center of this border, COMMENT and notifies its area and all listeners. ARG 1 x ARG 3 z METHOD method_11979 getDistanceInsideBorder (Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;)D ARG 1 entity METHOD method_11980 getCenterZ ()D METHOD method_11981 setSafeZone (D)V COMMENT Sets the safe zone of this border and notifies all listeners. ARG 1 safeZone METHOD method_11982 tick ()V METHOD method_11983 addListener (Lnet/minecraft/class_2780;)V ARG 1 listener METHOD method_17903 asVoxelShape ()Lnet/minecraft/class_265; METHOD method_17905 load (Lnet/minecraft/class_2784$class_5200;)V ARG 1 properties METHOD method_27355 write ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2784$class_5200; METHOD method_35317 contains (DD)Z ARG 1 x ARG 3 z METHOD method_35318 removeListener (Lnet/minecraft/class_2780;)V ARG 1 listener METHOD method_39459 canCollide (Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;Lnet/minecraft/class_238;)Z ARG 1 entity ARG 2 box CLASS class_2785 Area METHOD method_11984 getSize ()D METHOD method_11985 getBoundSouth ()D METHOD method_11986 getAreaInstance ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2784$class_2785; METHOD method_11987 getShrinkingSpeed ()D METHOD method_11988 getSizeLerpTarget ()D METHOD method_11989 onMaxRadiusChanged ()V METHOD method_11990 onCenterChanged ()V METHOD method_11991 getBoundEast ()D METHOD method_11992 getBoundNorth ()D METHOD method_11993 getSizeLerpTime ()J METHOD method_11994 getBoundWest ()D METHOD method_11995 getStage ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2789; METHOD method_17906 asVoxelShape ()Lnet/minecraft/class_265; CLASS class_2786 MovingArea FIELD field_12739 newSize D FIELD field_12740 oldSize D FIELD field_12741 timeStart J FIELD field_12742 timeEnd J FIELD field_12744 timeDuration D METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_2784;DDJ)V ARG 2 oldSize ARG 4 newSize ARG 6 timeDuration CLASS class_2787 StaticArea FIELD field_12745 boundNorth D FIELD field_12746 boundWest D FIELD field_12747 size D FIELD field_12749 boundSouth D FIELD field_12750 boundEast D FIELD field_17653 shape Lnet/minecraft/class_265; METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_2784;D)V ARG 2 size METHOD method_11996 recalculateBounds ()V CLASS class_5200 Properties FIELD field_24123 centerX D FIELD field_24124 centerZ D FIELD field_24125 damagePerBlock D FIELD field_24126 safeZone D FIELD field_24127 warningBlocks I FIELD field_24128 warningTime I FIELD field_24129 size D FIELD field_24130 sizeLerpTime J FIELD field_24131 sizeLerpTarget D METHOD (DDDDIIDJD)V ARG 1 centerX ARG 3 centerZ ARG 5 damagePerBlock ARG 7 safeZone ARG 9 warningBlocks ARG 10 warningTime ARG 11 size ARG 13 sizeLerpTime ARG 15 sizeLerpTarget METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_2784;)V ARG 1 worldBorder METHOD method_27356 getCenterX ()D METHOD method_27357 writeNbt (Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;)V ARG 1 nbt METHOD method_27358 fromDynamic (Lcom/mojang/serialization/DynamicLike;Lnet/minecraft/class_2784$class_5200;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2784$class_5200; ARG 1 properties METHOD method_27359 getCenterZ ()D METHOD method_27360 getDamagePerBlock ()D METHOD method_27361 getSafeZone ()D METHOD method_27362 getWarningBlocks ()I METHOD method_27363 getWarningTime ()I METHOD method_27364 getSize ()D METHOD method_27365 getSizeLerpTime ()J METHOD method_27366 getSizeLerpTarget ()D