CLASS net/minecraft/class_7528 net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/ScrollableWidget COMMENT A widget that can be focused and vertically scrolled. FIELD field_39496 PADDING I FIELD field_39497 scrollY D FIELD field_39498 scrollbarDragged Z FIELD field_45905 TEXT_FIELD_TEXTURES Lnet/minecraft/class_8666; FIELD field_45906 SCROLLER_TEXTURE Lnet/minecraft/class_2960; FIELD field_45907 SCROLLER_WIDTH I METHOD method_44381 getPadding ()I METHOD method_44382 setScrollY (D)V ARG 1 scrollY METHOD method_44383 isVisible (II)Z ARG 1 top ARG 2 bottom METHOD method_44384 renderOverlay (Lnet/minecraft/class_332;)V COMMENT Renders overlays that are not scrolled but part of the widget. COMMENT COMMENT

This renders the scrollbar by default. Subclasses can override this to COMMENT render other overlays, but {@code super} call is necessary to make sure the scrollbar COMMENT renders when it should. ARG 1 context METHOD method_44385 getPaddingDoubled ()I METHOD method_44386 drawBox (Lnet/minecraft/class_332;)V COMMENT Draws the box that the contents are rendered over, including its borders. ARG 1 context METHOD method_44387 getScrollY ()D METHOD method_44388 isWithinBounds (DD)Z ARG 1 mouseX ARG 3 mouseY METHOD method_44389 renderContents (Lnet/minecraft/class_332;IIF)V COMMENT Renders the scrolled contents. Subclasses must override this. The rendered contents COMMENT may overflow; the caller should trim those using {@link COMMENT net.minecraft.client.gui.DrawContext#enableScissor}. ARG 1 context ARG 2 mouseX ARG 3 mouseY ARG 4 delta METHOD method_44390 getMaxScrollY ()I METHOD method_44391 getContentsHeight ()I COMMENT {@return the total height of the contents} METHOD method_44392 overflows ()Z COMMENT {@return whether the contents overflow and needs a scrollbar} METHOD method_44393 getDeltaYPerScroll ()D METHOD method_44394 getScrollbarThumbHeight ()I METHOD method_44395 getContentsHeightWithPadding ()I METHOD method_44396 drawScrollbar (Lnet/minecraft/class_332;)V ARG 1 context METHOD method_52233 drawBox (Lnet/minecraft/class_332;IIII)V ARG 1 context ARG 2 x ARG 3 y ARG 4 width ARG 5 height METHOD method_53532 getScrollerWidth ()I