CLASS net/minecraft/class_4588 net/minecraft/client/render/VertexConsumer COMMENT An interface that consumes vertices in a certain {@linkplain COMMENT VertexFormat vertex format}. COMMENT COMMENT

The vertex elements must be specified in the same order as defined in COMMENT the format the vertices being consumed are in. METHOD method_1336 color (IIII)Lnet/minecraft/class_4588; COMMENT Specifies the {@linkplain VertexFormats#COLOR_ELEMENT COMMENT color element} of the current vertex. COMMENT COMMENT @throws IllegalStateException if this consumer is not currently COMMENT accepting a color element or if a color has been set in {@link COMMENT #fixedColor}. COMMENT COMMENT @return this consumer, for chaining ARG 1 red ARG 2 green ARG 3 blue ARG 4 alpha METHOD method_1344 next ()V COMMENT Starts consuming the next vertex. COMMENT COMMENT

This method must be called after specifying all elements in a vertex. METHOD method_22901 fixedColor (IIII)V COMMENT Makes this consumer always use the same color for subsequent vertices COMMENT until {@link #unfixColor} is called. COMMENT COMMENT

The color will be automatically supplied when the color element is COMMENT requested. Make sure not to specify the color yourself when using this COMMENT method. ARG 1 red ARG 2 green ARG 3 blue ARG 4 alpha METHOD method_22912 vertex (DDD)Lnet/minecraft/class_4588; COMMENT Specifies the {@linkplain VertexFormats#POSITION_ELEMENT COMMENT position element} of the current vertex. COMMENT COMMENT

This is typically the first element in a vertex, hence the name. COMMENT COMMENT @throws IllegalStateException if this consumer is not currently COMMENT accepting a position element. COMMENT COMMENT @return this consumer, for chaining ARG 1 x ARG 3 y ARG 5 z METHOD method_22913 texture (FF)Lnet/minecraft/class_4588; COMMENT Specifies the {@linkplain VertexFormats#TEXTURE_ELEMENT COMMENT texture element} of the current vertex. COMMENT COMMENT @throws IllegalStateException if this consumer is not currently COMMENT accepting a texture element. COMMENT COMMENT @return this consumer, for chaining ARG 1 u ARG 2 v METHOD method_22914 normal (FFF)Lnet/minecraft/class_4588; COMMENT Specifies the {@linkplain VertexFormats#NORMAL_ELEMENT COMMENT normal element} of the current vertex. COMMENT COMMENT @throws IllegalStateException if this consumer is not currently COMMENT accepting a normal element. COMMENT COMMENT @return this consumer, for chaining ARG 1 x ARG 2 y ARG 3 z METHOD method_22915 color (FFFF)Lnet/minecraft/class_4588; COMMENT Specifies the {@linkplain VertexFormats#COLOR_ELEMENT COMMENT color element} of the current vertex. COMMENT COMMENT @throws IllegalStateException if this consumer is not currently COMMENT accepting a color element or if a color has been set in {@link COMMENT #fixedColor}. COMMENT COMMENT @return this consumer, for chaining ARG 1 red ARG 2 green ARG 3 blue ARG 4 alpha METHOD method_22916 light (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_4588; COMMENT Specifies the {@linkplain VertexFormats#LIGHT_ELEMENT COMMENT light element} of the current vertex. COMMENT COMMENT @throws IllegalStateException if this consumer is not currently COMMENT accepting a light element. COMMENT COMMENT @return this consumer, for chaining ARG 1 uv METHOD method_22917 overlay (II)Lnet/minecraft/class_4588; COMMENT Specifies the {@linkplain VertexFormats#OVERLAY_ELEMENT COMMENT overlay element} of the current vertex. COMMENT COMMENT @throws IllegalStateException if this consumer is not currently COMMENT accepting an overlay element. COMMENT COMMENT @return this consumer, for chaining ARG 1 u ARG 2 v METHOD method_22918 vertex (Lnet/minecraft/class_1159;FFF)Lnet/minecraft/class_4588; COMMENT Specifies the {@linkplain VertexFormats#POSITION_ELEMENT COMMENT position element} of the current vertex. COMMENT COMMENT @throws IllegalStateException if this consumer is not currently COMMENT accepting a position element. COMMENT COMMENT @return this consumer, for chaining ARG 1 matrix COMMENT the matrix that will be applied to the vertex position, typically {@link COMMENT net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack.Entry#getPositionMatrix COMMENT MatrixStack.Entry#getPositionMatrix} ARG 2 x ARG 3 y ARG 4 z METHOD method_22919 quad (Lnet/minecraft/class_4587$class_4665;Lnet/minecraft/class_777;FFFII)V COMMENT Specifies the vertex elements from {@code quad} and starts consuming COMMENT the next vertex. COMMENT COMMENT @throws IllegalStateException if a color has been set in {@link COMMENT #fixedColor}. ARG 1 matrixEntry ARG 2 quad ARG 3 red ARG 4 green ARG 5 blue ARG 6 light ARG 7 overlay METHOD method_22920 quad (Lnet/minecraft/class_4587$class_4665;Lnet/minecraft/class_777;[FFFF[IIZ)V COMMENT Specifies the vertex elements from {@code quad} and starts consuming COMMENT the next vertex. COMMENT COMMENT @throws IllegalStateException if a color has been set in {@link COMMENT #fixedColor}. ARG 1 matrixEntry ARG 2 quad ARG 3 brightnesses ARG 4 red ARG 5 green ARG 6 blue ARG 7 lights ARG 8 overlay ARG 9 useQuadColorData METHOD method_22921 light (II)Lnet/minecraft/class_4588; COMMENT Specifies the {@linkplain VertexFormats#LIGHT_ELEMENT COMMENT light element} of the current vertex. COMMENT COMMENT @throws IllegalStateException if this consumer is not currently COMMENT accepting a light element. COMMENT COMMENT @return this consumer, for chaining ARG 1 u ARG 2 v METHOD method_22922 overlay (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_4588; COMMENT Specifies the {@linkplain VertexFormats#OVERLAY_ELEMENT COMMENT overlay element} of the current vertex. COMMENT COMMENT @throws IllegalStateException if this consumer is not currently COMMENT accepting an overlay element. COMMENT COMMENT @return this consumer, for chaining ARG 1 uv METHOD method_23763 normal (Lnet/minecraft/class_4581;FFF)Lnet/minecraft/class_4588; COMMENT Specifies the {@linkplain VertexFormats#NORMAL_ELEMENT COMMENT normal element} of the current vertex. COMMENT COMMENT @throws IllegalStateException if this consumer is not currently COMMENT accepting a normal element. COMMENT COMMENT @return this consumer, for chaining ARG 1 matrix COMMENT the matrix that will be applied to the normal vector, typically {@link COMMENT net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack.Entry#getNormalMatrix COMMENT MatrixStack.Entry#getNormalMatrix} ARG 2 x ARG 3 y ARG 4 z METHOD method_23919 vertex (FFFFFFFFFIIFFF)V COMMENT Specifies the COMMENT {@linkplain VertexFormats#POSITION_ELEMENT position}, COMMENT {@linkplain VertexFormats#COLOR_ELEMENT color}, COMMENT {@linkplain VertexFormats#TEXTURE_ELEMENT texture}, COMMENT {@linkplain VertexFormats#OVERLAY_ELEMENT overlay}, COMMENT {@linkplain VertexFormats#LIGHT_ELEMENT light}, and COMMENT {@linkplain VertexFormats#NORMAL_ELEMENT normal} elements of the COMMENT current vertex and starts consuming the next vertex. COMMENT COMMENT @throws IllegalStateException if a color has been set in {@link COMMENT #fixedColor}. ARG 1 x ARG 2 y ARG 3 z ARG 4 red ARG 5 green ARG 6 blue ARG 7 alpha ARG 8 u ARG 9 v ARG 10 overlay ARG 11 light ARG 12 normalX ARG 13 normalY ARG 14 normalZ METHOD method_35666 unfixColor ()V COMMENT Makes this consumer no longer use the color set in {@link #fixedColor}. METHOD method_39415 color (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_4588; COMMENT Specifies the {@linkplain VertexFormats#COLOR_ELEMENT COMMENT color element} of the current vertex. COMMENT COMMENT @throws IllegalStateException if this consumer is not currently COMMENT accepting a color element or if a color has been set in {@link COMMENT #fixedColor}. COMMENT COMMENT @return this consumer, for chaining ARG 1 argb