CLASS net/minecraft/class_746 net/minecraft/client/network/ClientPlayerEntity COMMENT Represents the client's own player entity. FIELD field_20663 showsDeathScreen Z FIELD field_23093 inSneakingPose Z FIELD field_36194 MAX_SOFT_COLLISION_RADIANS D FIELD field_3911 lastNauseaStrength F FIELD field_3912 clientPermissionLevel I FIELD field_3913 input Lnet/minecraft/class_744; FIELD field_3914 lastRenderPitch F FIELD field_3915 usingItem Z FIELD field_3916 renderPitch F FIELD field_3917 underwaterVisibilityTicks I FIELD field_3918 healthInitialized Z FIELD field_3919 lastSprinting Z FIELD field_3920 lastOnGround Z FIELD field_3921 ticksSinceSprintingChanged I FIELD field_3922 mountJumpStrength F FIELD field_3923 ticksSinceLastPositionPacketSent I FIELD field_3924 lastZ D FIELD field_3925 lastPitch F FIELD field_3926 lastX D FIELD field_3927 autoJumpEnabled Z FIELD field_3928 statHandler Lnet/minecraft/class_3469; FIELD field_3929 nextNauseaStrength F FIELD field_3930 recipeBook Lnet/minecraft/class_299; FIELD field_3931 lastRenderYaw F FIELD field_3932 renderYaw F FIELD field_3933 tickables Ljava/util/List; FIELD field_3934 ticksToNextAutojump I FIELD field_3935 ticksLeftToDoubleTapSprint I FIELD field_3936 lastSneaking Z FIELD field_3937 client Lnet/minecraft/class_310; FIELD field_3939 falling Z FIELD field_3940 lastBaseY D FIELD field_3941 lastYaw F FIELD field_3942 riding Z FIELD field_3943 serverBrand Ljava/lang/String; FIELD field_3944 networkHandler Lnet/minecraft/class_634; FIELD field_3945 activeHand Lnet/minecraft/class_1268; METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_310;Lnet/minecraft/class_638;Lnet/minecraft/class_634;Lnet/minecraft/class_3469;Lnet/minecraft/class_299;ZZ)V ARG 1 client ARG 2 world ARG 3 networkHandler ARG 4 stats ARG 5 recipeBook ARG 6 lastSneaking ARG 7 lastSprinting METHOD method_18654 updateNausea ()V METHOD method_20303 shouldSlowDown ()Z METHOD method_20623 isWalking ()Z METHOD method_22119 shouldAutoJump ()Z METHOD method_22120 hasMovementInput ()Z COMMENT {@return whether the player has movement input} METHOD method_22419 showsDeathScreen ()Z METHOD method_22420 setShowsDeathScreen (Z)V ARG 1 showsDeathScreen METHOD method_26269 getMoodPercentage ()F COMMENT {@return the percentage for the biome mood sound for the debug HUD to COMMENT display} METHOD method_30673 pushOutOfBlocks (DD)V ARG 1 x ARG 3 z METHOD method_30674 wouldCollideAt (Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;)Z ARG 1 pos METHOD method_3130 getRecipeBook ()Lnet/minecraft/class_299; METHOD method_3131 hasJumpingMount ()Z METHOD method_3132 openRidingInventory ()V METHOD method_3133 startRidingJump ()V METHOD method_3134 isCamera ()Z METHOD method_3135 getServerBrand ()Ljava/lang/String; METHOD method_3136 sendMovementPackets ()V METHOD method_3137 closeScreen ()V METHOD method_3138 updateHealth (F)V ARG 1 health METHOD method_3139 (Lnet/minecraft/class_265;)Ljava/util/stream/Stream; ARG 0 shape METHOD method_3140 getUnderwaterVisibility ()F COMMENT {@return the color multiplier of vision in water} Visibility in COMMENT water is reduced when the player just entered water. METHOD method_3141 onRecipeDisplayed (Lnet/minecraft/class_1860;)V ARG 1 recipe METHOD method_3142 sendChatMessage (Ljava/lang/String;)V COMMENT Sends a chat message to the server. COMMENT COMMENT

The message will be truncated to at most 256 characters before COMMENT sending to the server. COMMENT COMMENT

If the message contains an invalid character (see {@link COMMENT net.minecraft.SharedConstants#isValidChar isValidChar}), the server will COMMENT reject the message and disconnect the client. COMMENT COMMENT @apiNote This method is used to send a message typed in {@linkplain COMMENT net.minecraft.client.gui.screen the chat screen}. This includes a COMMENT command message (a message that starts with {@code /}). ARG 1 message COMMENT the message to send METHOD method_3143 getStatHandler ()Lnet/minecraft/class_3469; METHOD method_3144 isRiding ()Z METHOD method_3145 setExperience (FII)V ARG 1 progress ARG 2 total ARG 3 level METHOD method_3146 setServerBrand (Ljava/lang/String;)V ARG 1 serverBrand METHOD method_3147 setClientPermissionLevel (I)V ARG 1 clientPermissionLevel METHOD method_3148 autoJump (FF)V ARG 1 dx ARG 2 dz METHOD method_3149 isAutoJumpEnabled ()Z METHOD method_3151 getMountJumpStrength ()F METHOD method_33689 init ()V METHOD method_43609 signChatMessage (Ljava/time/Instant;Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/minecraft/class_3515$class_7425; COMMENT Signs the chat message. If the chat message cannot be signed, this will return COMMENT {@link NetworkEncryptionUtils.SignatureData#NONE}. ARG 1 time ARG 2 message METHOD method_7290 dropSelectedItem (Z)Z ARG 1 entireStack