CLASS net/minecraft/class_8917 net/minecraft/util/collection/PriorityIterator COMMENT A queue-like iterator that orders its values by the priority, or the insertion order COMMENT if the priorities equal. FIELD field_48714 LOWEST_PRIORITY I FIELD field_48715 maxPriorityQueue Ljava/util/Deque; FIELD field_48716 maxPriority I FIELD field_48717 queuesByPriority Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/Int2ObjectMap; METHOD method_54723 (I)Ljava/util/Deque; ARG 0 p METHOD method_54726 enqueue (Ljava/lang/Object;I)V COMMENT Adds {@code value} with the priority {@code priority}. ARG 1 value ARG 2 priority METHOD method_56533 refreshMaxPriority ()V